Saturday, June 3, 2017

Yard Sales and Swimming

I woke up this morning realizing that I forgot to go to my Dad's house like he asked me to. My dad's neighborhood was having a massive garage sale today. He had taken a lot of things from his parents house and he wanted me to look through and see if there was anything I would want. I hurried over there early this morning. I was able to help my dad and Matt pull things out to the driveway. I had just placed a fancy glass candy dish on the table when my dad came by carrying something long. He knocked over the candy dish with the long thing he was carrying. The dish is now in 1,000 pieces. Matt was teasing him that Grandma was able to keep that dish for years and years and Dad breaks it first thing. Anyways, I brought home a few boxes of knick-knacks. They had a lot of African stuff which would look great in our jungle room. They also had a lot of Oriental stuff, which Jorja and Preston might like. I also took this chandelier. Jorja used to have a chandelier in her bedroom, we haven't hung it up since her room was painted. She's asked for it back several times. I thought it would be more fun to have a chandelier from her great-grandparents rather than a chandelier that was here when we bought the house.
We also found some old pictures. I took pictures of a few of the pictures. Here is one of my grandpa in his swimming suit on his mission. Haha!
Grandpa Millburn
Grandpa took a 6 month trip home. He went through Germany and took a picture of one of the buildings, I think this was 1943. The crazy thing was, he walked through Germany right as the Nazi's took power, but before they went super crazy. Well, they were probably always super crazy, but this was before they started invading other countries. I'm guessing he had no idea what the symbol meant on those flags.
 Olive Branch (Grandpa's mom) ~ she met Grandpa in Hawaii
 Grandma Millburn
Matt's kids had fun playing outside. Jeff is funny. He was running around in circles laughing and laughing. Life has gotten so much better for him once he decided to walk!
Anne, Greg, Jeff
 Anne said, "I've never seen a baby pray before!"
 Anne, Greg, Jeff
I felt better today, but not great. I procrastinated doing my chores. I would work on them at a super slow rate. I remembered BYU was playing in a tournament game for baseball. It was do or die and on ESPN3. I decided to watch that and finish up the dishes later. Stockton had a friend that was opening his mission call up on Traverse Mountain. I helped him leave for that. (His diving friend, Matt, was called to the Fort Worth Texas mission.) As Stockton was driving away I started wondering when Harry was getting married. (Harry is our bishop's son and he is Maysen's age. Crazy!) I found the invitation and felt so sad when I saw the wedding was today. The reception was up at Traverse Mountain. Well, that would have been helpful to remember about an hour earlier. I couldn't get anyone to go with me. Mike was covered in sprinklers and my family was supposed to be over soon. I just jumped in the jeep and hurried up there. They had pizza and ice cream for the food. I thought that was fun. I didn't have the pizza, but the honeycomb gelato was delicious!
My family came over for a swimming party tonight. The kids were really excited the pool was finally open! I stayed out of the pool. Didn't want to get any sick germs in there.
Stockton & Gregory
All the kids love the ice machine. What's not to love? Don't worry. I got all the ice Jeff was digging in out; but look how happy he is!
I finally got cheese for Maysen's nacho bowl. We have put salsa in before, but Maysen has always wanted cheese. What service she provides for the swimmers.
Maysen, Anne & Matt, Stockton
 Maysen, Dad, Anne & Matt, Max
 Maysen, Dad, Stockton
Amelia, Jorja, Anne
 Millie & Anne swimming by themselves!
 Night swimming is always a lot of fun. Not sure these guys have tried it before. 
 Last fun of the night? Snowcones!
Amelia, Anne, Abby, Ella, Preston, Lincoln

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