Sunday, July 23, 2017

Mina's Surgery

Rachel and Mina left early this morning. They had to be at Primary Children's Hospital at 6:00. Brett sent us this picture of Mina waiting for her surgery.
The purple plaid blanket was given to her by the hospital. She is very attached to it already. The other three girls were great while Rachel was gone. Grace and Eve loved playing with the Pet Shop. Marie used to call this Pet City. When we were cleaning out things to give away Mike wanted to get rid of this. I told him we couldn't because Marie loved it so much! It has been awesome to have this week. Kept the girls entertained for hours!
Eve & Grace
Rachel and Mina got back from the hospital right as we were walking out the door to church. Preston and I hopped in the car with them. Rachel stayed for sacrament, then slipped out and took the three little girls home. Marie stayed and went to class with us. Mina would have been in my class if stayed. I usually only have three girls. Sharing time was kind of crazy because they had everyone sit on the floor on blankets. They had a pretend fire and Sister Madson dressed as a pioneer and read them a book. They handed out pioneer treats too. My girls were thirsty and asked for a drink. I took them to the drinking fountain and the library where I grabbed crayons and scissors. When I got to my room I was shocked to find five other kids! An adult was with them and was kind of upset I took too long. I'm thinking, "I'm not late! I have ALL my kids with me! How was I to know that my class would almost triple!" It was a little stressful, but I made it through.

Rachel and the girls left soon after we got home. Mina was cute with her purple cast. They even put a purple cast on the stuffed animal she had brought with her.
Grace & Mina
We just relaxed the rest of the day. I was able to convince everyone to watch a Dr. Who with me, which they hate. Then we watched Strange Brew. That was one of Mike's favorite movies growing up. Kind of like how my brothers loved Mystery Men. I fell asleep during the movie. I don't know why I can't stay awake during movies. In my defense, I did have an exhausting week. 

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