Sunday, July 9, 2017

Mr. X Strikes Again

Well, Mr. X called Jorja nine times in a two hour period. Considering that she talked to him three of those times, I find this excessive. He also texted her a ton. He was trying to get Jorja back together with him. I went downstairs to get Jorja and I heard her laughing on the phone. She had been talking to her softball friend Shey. She got off the phone and told me Mr. X called her. When she told me he was trying to get back together with her I rolled my eyes and said, "Jorja, don't!" She looked down at her phone and said, "Oh, he called me four times while I was talking to Shey." He then called again while I was standing right there. I whispered to her to pretend Stockton was sitting right next to her. There is no way Stockton would let her have anything to do with Mr. X if he could help it. (Jorja did not want to get back together with Mr. X, but I worried anyway because she hates it when people are sad - Mr. X has figured out how to manipulate her.) Anyways, I went downstairs about ten minutes later because now it was time to go to softball. Jorja was really upset. I told her she needed to say goodbye and go to practice. We ended up leaving about fifteen minutes late and Jorja had tears in her eyes the entire way. This is another example of why I shouldn't get so behind in my blog. I can't remember what made her so upset. I know one of the text said something like "everybody would be better off without me". I quizzed Jorja on this to find out what he meant. She didn't think it was a suicide reference, which is what I was worried about. He did tell Jorja that his parents found the texts and were really mad. He said that they were going to pull him out of all of the classes he has with her. I raised my arms up in celebration when she said that. Jorja was not happy. She looked down and said, "I still want to be his friend." Anyways, I talked to Mike about how we should handle this. I do not like how often Mr. X was calling/texting her. We decided that we would ground Mr. X from Jorja's phone. Basically, we would block Mr. X's number for two weeks. We talked to Jorja about this after softball. Jorja did not like this plan. She was worried she would lose her other friends, specifically Isaac and Evan. I told her Isaac would be high-fiving me for blocking Mr. X's number. He has seen how poorly he has treated Jorja. I also said, "Do you think Isaac's mom would let a girl text Isaac this much? You know she wouldn't. He would understand your parents blocking you from that much contact from a boy." I told her it was either that or we would call Mr. X's parents and talk to them again.

I left and went to pick up Stockton from film class. Mike started handling the Jorja situation. Jorja also called Isaac and Evan, they were together. They liked the blocking plan. That gave Jorja some comfort knowing she wouldn't lose their friendship. Mr. X kept texting Jorja asking who she liked, even a little. Mike helped her answer something like, "I don't think it is a good idea for me to like anyone right now." Mike wanted her to say until she was 16, or after she graduated, or after a mission, but Jorja kept it vague. Anyways, that seemed to do the trick. Mike said it sounded like he was worried Jorja liked someone else. Hopefully things will calm down without us having to block Mr. X's number. Jorja is going to go to Youth Conference later this week. They will be river rafting down the Green River. I don't think there is cell service out there. Hallelujah!

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