Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Planning a Baptism

The missionaries came over tonight. We met with them to talk about Anna's baptism. Anna is about twenty years old, and because Mike is the ward mission leader he needs to head things up. I agreed to do the program, Mike is going to conduct. The missionaries are supposed to get the clothes and send me the program information in the coming days.

Stockton and Jorja went to the youth activity tonight. It was a drive-in movie . . . kind of. They brought blankets and pillows and watched The Incredibles at the pavilion by the church. It started pretty late, so they got back pretty late. I think they had fun. Jorja hasn't been able to go to any young women activities for a long time because of softball. I'm not sure what I think about that.

Jorja spent most of the day with her friends. They went 'hiking', played at a park then went back to Isaac's house. One of the things they did was play Monopoly. Isaac couldn't believe she has never played that before. When he asked me about it I told him there were so many great games around, why waste time playing Monopoly? Jorja said she didn't really understand what was going on during the game. Isaac would usually get excited and take her turn for her. I think she had a great time today. Jorja seems to need to be around peers. I'm glad she has found a few good friends.

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