Friday, July 14, 2017

Tiny Handprints

Early this morning I drove to Sherry's house to pick up Greg's handprints. Sherry was at a hair appointment, but she had left Greg's handprints wrapped in bubble wrap in a box in her front porch. I stopped by Matt and Sam's on the way back to drop it off. I wish I would have had my dad's pillow with me that he left at the cabin. Oh well. I love how this one turned out!
My brothers and I played Beat the Streak in One Day. At one point I was in 3,631st place. I ended the game in 218th place. I was quite proud of myself. If only I had gotten the last 14 right! John and Matt were frustrated because for some reason they weren't able to submit their choices. It takes longer than you think to do this, so that would be annoying. This time I actually checked the lineups to make sure all my choices were playing. The Indians and the As submitted their lineup about five minutes before 5:00. One of my guys wasn't playing and I was able to get someone in fast before the game locked. Anyways, it was pretty fun. I got 43 correct. If I had gotten one more correct I would have been in the top 100 and made it on the leaderboard.

Brad is at the cabin today with some of the youth from his ward. I hope everything works out for them. On Monday Brad texted me this message: "Stephanie - my kids floated the river this weekend and stayed at Steve & Sharon's cabin. We came up and brought them lunch. I drove past the cabin and see that the tree in the front has split and needs to be removed. Is this something we can do as a service for the young men when we go up this Friday?"

Wow! This was my reply: "Oh my gosh! That would be amazing! We were hoping to get that done while we were there, but found out the lid to the septic tank was missing. That occupied the rest of Mike's time. The septic tank has now been pumped and the lid secured, but the tree is still a mess. I would just cry from happiness if you guys were able to do that. Thank you! Don't feel like you need to finish the entire project, but anything you can do would be appreciated."

Hopefully it's not too big of a job. I thought it was super nice of Brad to ask.

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