Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Incoming Freshman

Stockton and I went to Alta this morning. We had been putting together paperwork for Arete. In order to get the Arete token, or whatever it is, Stockton needed to have 8 quarters of a 4.0, at least a 28 on the ACT and no more than 2 absences and tardys in each quarter. Stockton met those qualifications. Once he is awarded the token he can get into any Alta event for free, gets $25 off his yearbook, gets a hoodie and gets to park in a special area. We might let Stockton drive this year, so he is pretty excited about the parking space. We also walked around for a bit to find his classes. He knows where pretty much everything is anyway, so it didn't matter much but it was fun to do.

It was time for me to leave with Jorja as soon as Stockton got home. I was taking Jorja and her friends to find their classes and lockers. Jorja had them send her their schedules and I color coded maps for them. I love doing that. They were good sports about it. I picked up Evan and Isaac first. {Quick side story . . . I won't go into too much detail here, and this is just what I gather, so hopefully it is accurate. Anyways, Isaac has liked Jorja for awhile. Jorja didn't want to let on that she liked him because she didn't want to ruin their friendship. She caved and let Isaac know she liked him. They liked each other for about two seconds before Isaac went to EFY and was in a class where they talked about how they shouldn't date until they were 16, but also they shouldn't have emotional attachments this young. Isaac, trying the hardest to do what he is counseled to do, broke up with Jorja. Jorja was sad, but she thought it was the right thing to do. She was terrified that Isaac wouldn't be her friend anymore. Today was the first time they had seen each other since then. . . ~ how's that for background?} Okay, so Isaac and Evan hop in the car. I say hi to them and ask them how they are doing. Then, for some unknown reason I look at Isaac and say, "So. You broke up with my daughter." Several things happened simultaneously. Isaac's eyes about popped out of his head and he said yes. Jorja screamed, "Mom!" and turned and buried her head in the seat. Evan broke out laughing and gave me a high five. Oh gosh. It was so funny. I laughed and laughed. Evan kept saying that was the funniest thing ever. Jorja and Isaac didn't appreciate it much, but it sure did break the ice. By the end of the day they seemed to be back to their best friend status. (Although, I need to keep my eye on Isaac, sometimes the way he looks at Jorja you can see complete adoration in his eyes. I'm going to have to pay attention and notice if he looks at all girls this way or just Jorja.) Jorja is going to laugh when she finally reads this post. It will probably be years from now, she never reads my blog. Haha! Jorja! I love you! Thank you for putting up with me!

Okay, back to today. I picked up Hailey and then Raina and we headed to Alta. They humored me for a picture before we walked in. This one was my favorite.
Hailey, Raina, Jorja, Isaac, Evan
 Okay, this made me laugh. This was my first picture. One of the kids said to read their maps.
 I then said to look up. I laughed at Hailey! She cracks me up! I realized later she wasn't looking down, still it was so funny!
Drew met us after we had been here for awhile. We spent several hours walking the halls. Finding lockers, classes, trying to make note of the best way to go to classes. Poor Isaac, every class is almost as far as possible from each other. Hailey's classes are nice and tightly together. I dropped Raina off when we were leaving, Hailey's mom had picked her up earlier. We brought Drew, Evan and Isaac home to play games. (Jorja made Drew and Isaac a corn dog. Drew and Jorja then tried a hot red pepper from Kristen. First few bites were fine, then they were dying!) We tried playing One Night Ultimate Werewolf with Stockton and Preston. Evan picked up on it pretty well. Next we played Apples to Apples Bible edition. That was funny. Stockton got a quick lead, then I was able to tie him. I had several cards in a row that were perfect. For example: I had 'Hidden Treasures' for FANCY, 'flood' for WET and 'The Lamb of God' for Good. All in a row. Ping Pong and foosball were played before we finished with Code Names. Jorja was looking worn out at the end. She doesn't like playing games for hours like I do. Anyways, we dropped Evan and Issac off before I took Jorja to softball practice. She said she felt pretty sick for the first part of the practice, but was still glad she went. I can't believe summer is almost over! Time is moving way too fast.

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