Friday, August 25, 2017


As soon as the kids were out the door I jumped in the car and headed to Logan. Maysen and I walked around a bit and found her classes. She gets to go over a bridge from one building to another, so that's cool. Maysen changed her schedule yesterday. She got an email from the zoo in Logan saying she could intern there this fall. She had tried to get an internship a long time ago. They told her they were filled and wouldn't be adding more until December. The stressful this is she needs an internship class for her psychology major. Maysen wants to do a animal behavior internship. She met with her psychology counselor and the counselor suggested she drop neuroscience and take the internship now. So, that is what Maysen did. I hope it all works out. It should, I just always worry about things until they are a done deal. It will be nice to have this class over with. It will make scheduling a ton easier. Anyways, Maysen and I drove from Logan and I dropped her off at Mike's work. I was starving, so we grabbed something at their cool cafeteria. Maysen stayed with Mike so he could take her to the doctor they have onsite. She has bronchitis and needs an inhaler for a bit. That's not good. Mike walked me most of the way out and then explained the rest of the way. I thought I understood it, but I ended up back in the cafeteria. Apparently the building is one giant circle. Literally, it is a giant circle. I eventually found my way out and hurried to Alta to pick up Jorja and her friends. Isaac, Evan and Raina came over. They played baseball out back, but didn't play as many board games with me as I was hoping. They were having so much fun that they were late to the football game though. I picked them up when it was over. They seemed to have a great time. I'm glad Jorja has been able to make such good friends.

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