Tuesday, August 8, 2017

New School

We were able to go to the Meet the Teacher event for Marie and Mina. I was so excited they were having it before I left. The school is so cute! The outside looks pretty old, but the inside doesn't feel old. There are arches everywhere and the hallway is painted light blue. There are places to sit everywhere, and even tricycles. I don't know how that is going to work exactly!
We went to Mina's class first. I think her teacher's name is Mrs. Patton. She didn't seem too excited about the crazy schedule Rachel will have because of Brett's deployment. Maybe a miracle will happen and he can stay home! Her teacher seems really nice though. Mina is really excited.
Mrs. Patton and Mina
We found Marie's class next. Her teacher's name is Mr. St. Pierre. He is much more laid back. He just told Rachel that he is in awe of military families and the sacrifices they make. He moved here last year from Michigan. His wife teaches Kindergarten at this school. They just wanted to be close to the beach. He seems like he is going to be a great teacher.
Marie and Mr. St. Pierre
There was pizza and ice-cream in the cafeteria for everyone. How about that! As soon as we got home Brett called. He had just gotten out of a huge long three hour meeting. I overheard him talking to Rachel about it for a bit. He is assigned to go to the office in Orlando in case of any hurricane evacuations. Rachel will be on her own. Brett brought home sushi and we had lunch with him. It's weird to think that now I won't see him until he gets back from Kuwait!

I packed up and Rachel and the girls took me to the airport. I got there in plenty of time. I wanted to go super early because we didn't know what traffic would be like, or even where the airport was. Everything turned out easy. There were lots of people getting off a Disney shuttle with bags from a Disney cruise. I was slightly jealous. :) I stopped by a book store to look for something to read. I found Wonder. I was reading that at Brett's house and hadn't finished. I read it most of the flight to Arizona. It's a great book. While I was waiting in the Phoenix airport I checked Instagram. Brett had posted a picture of us and said some really nice things about me. It made me cry. Right there in the airport. I am going to write what he said, because I want to remember it. "I've received so many blessings. One of my favorite ones is my awesome sister Stephanie. Nobody gives, cares, or loves more than she does. She has always been on my side and always has my back. She dropped everything and drove across country with @rachelmillburn and the girls because we needed some help. @ladyelsinore, you are the best sister in the world and I love you." Wow. I love my brothers. Brett and I have been super close our entire lives. Maybe when he retires from the military he will by the house next door. That would be a dream come true.

I talked to this lady the entire flight from Arizona to Salt Lake. She was really interesting. Mike was waiting to pick me up with a car he bought while I was gone. Oh. Guess I should put a picture of that. Also, I forgot to put a picture of what Mike did while I was gone. He made a weird castle thing with Preston. It does look pretty amazing. I'll have to put a picture of it on the blog tomorrow. Everyone was up when we got home except for Maysen. I talked to Jorja until 2:00 in the morning. Man, drama sure follows this girl around. Mr. X texted her again on Sunday asking if they could get back together. Pretty much begging. I was proud of Jorja who stood her ground. She was nice, but made it clear she didn't want to get back together. That little mess has sure been hard on her. Jorja is so excited for high school. She wants to be with friends again. She still has to get her summer reading English and Chinese assignments finished though!

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