Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Day Before

This is where the motorhome was parked this weekend. Beautiful!
We made it to a random 9:00 ward for church. The place was packed! We sat in they gym, which was not connected to the chapel. They had a screen set up in there. Luckily we found seats together, because again . . . packed! The talks were great. I love the different random wards we go to on our adventures. The first speaker was great. He was talking about how many of the people here and many other people are making a big effort to be in the path of totality for the eclipse tomorrow. Wouldn't it be great if everyone made that much of an effort to listen to the prophets and follow their advice. It is President Monson's birthday tomorrow. He also quoted Malachi 4:2, which Stockton thought was great because that is the chapter he read with Preston last night. He talked about how Malachi refers to Christ as the "Sun of righteousness" and how it is spelled S-U-N. He was really interesting.

Matt and Sam left this morning to go to Rigby with Sam's sister. Rigby will get more totality than we will here, plus one of Sam's nephews is getting the priesthood tomorrow. Heather and Zac and their kids came up last night. I love talking with Heather. It felt like old times hanging out with her at the cabin.

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