Friday, September 15, 2017

Bear on Motorcycle

I picked up Maysen from Logan today and brought her home for the weekend. We ate at Noodles and Company before coming home. I was proud of myself for not taking forever to figure out what to eat. The people in front of us were slow and said we could pass them. Done! Only problem was my meal was so spicy! Whoops.

Mike sent us this picture on our way home. He was driving home from work and heard a loud motorcycle behind him. He looked over and it was the Jazz bear! Driving down the street!
My brothers and I were texting tonight. Mostly about baseball and football. My dad asked Brett if his house got damaged during Hurricane Irma. They had a couple of wet walls and some roof damage, but not too much. Here are some of Brett's texts: "My suitcase full of clothes got soaking wet though." "They first told us we were staying on the base hotel but then the General made a last-minute decision that we would all sleep in the command post. So my suitcase was in the hotel room and it got soaking wet." "They are pretty sure three tornadoes touched down on the base.""We were in the safest building on the base instead of being on the second floor of a hotel. The phone was blaring tornado alerts all night so I don't think I would've felt very safe there." "The fire alarm went off at 1:30 and woke us up. And the power was out. So we were walking around this dark building checking for fires in the middle of the hurricane." "It was a memorable night for sure."

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