Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hike with My Friends - Yay!

I woke up Jorja early to go to the temple. She had already planned on going before Isaac broke up with her last night. The problem was, we couldn't find her temple recommend this morning. She went to the temple with Dessa on Saturday, and we had no idea where her recommend ended up. We decided to go to the temple anyway. Mike was waiting for us there and when Isaac forgot his recommend, they just looked it up. When Jorja and I got there the temple was packed! She filled out the paper to have her recommend looked up, but the guy ended up calling Bishop Waddoups anyway. Whoops. But, she got in. There were two different church groups that came from American Fork. Lots and lots of people. Last week when we went Jorja was done by 6:08. This time she finished at 7:15. Which made her late for school. We were in the waiting room and Jorja had been confirmed. I asked her if she would just like to go, but she adamantly shook her head. Well, we'll hope for the best. This was also the first time Jorja didn't bring her stuff so I could take her straight to school. Lesson noted. Mike left the temple the same time as us. Jorja looked at her phone when she got home. There was a message from Isaac that said something like, "We did not break up last night". Drat. When Jorja came upstairs Mike had a song playing and was dancing. It was Katy Perry's 'Hot and Cold' song. That made Jorja laugh. Mike has told her several times that this song describes Isaac, so Mike was lip syncing the song to her. Specifically "You change your mind like a girl changes clothes...and you over think always speak cryptically......cause you're hot then your cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down......You don't really want to stay, but you don't really want to go...." Anyways, it was super funny to see Mike dancing and it made Jorja laugh, so that's a win.

Jorja was nervous about walking late into Chinese. I guess when you are late you have to go in, salute and bow. She had fun with it though. She was pretty happy when she went to school, even though she knew it was going to be a hard day. I told her to just hold her head high, be kind and to not force things.

I went hiking today with Becky, Stephanie and Jacqui. It was really nice. I'm so glad they asked me to come. I was able to talk to Jacqui a lot, which was very needed. I wore shorts and Becky was worried I would be cold. I told her my legs are usually fine, but I had a long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt and Stockton's warm jacket on. It ended up being perfect. It was also very beautiful up the canyon.
Becky, Stephanie and Jacqui taking a picture
I was anxious to hear how Jorja's day had been. Isaac officially broke up with her at lunch. Isaac is not mean. It would almost be easier for her if he was, then she could just move on. He told her that he knows he is hurting her with his indecisiveness, which is true. He didn't want to hurt her anymore. He wants to get back to being best friends, even though it will be hard. Jorja was sad, but she knows he is right. The thing is, both of them have been super nice to each other, so she is hurting, but it is a different kind of hurt. It might be awkward, but I really believe it is for the best. I'm proud of them for being kind to each other and I'm proud of Isaac for letting go of Jorja. I really hope this breakup sticks. At least for a few years, they are just way too young to be getting so attached to one person.

Jorja had her softball game today. I really wanted to see it because she doesn't have many more games left. She ages out at the end of this year and probably won't play again. I'm hoping she tries out for the high school team. If she doesn't make it, then she will have no regrets. If she does make it, she might love it. Or not, but then she wouldn't need to try out next year and again would have no regrets.  Because of this, Stockton drove to diving at the U for the first time. He took Gavin and Preston with him. I was so nervous! I had Stockton text me with the parking stall number so I could pay for parking. For some reason the app doesn't work on his phone. As an added bonus, it let me know he was there. Stockton and Preston are both happy with the decision to switch to diving at the U. That makes me happy.

Back to Jorja's game. It was freaking cold out there! I was still in my shorts, but this time it was not okay! We even had two blankets around us, and we were both shivering. Jorja's team won their first game. I think the score was 4-8 going into the last inning. Jorja's team was losing, but ended up winning when someone stole home. The girls were so happy and it made sitting through the freezing cold much more tolerable. The girls played one inning of the second game. Jorja had just gotten into her catcher gear and settled into her crouch when the game was called. Yay! I have never been so happy! Well, I'm sure I have, but I was so glad to go home. It was so cold!!! Plus, it was funny because it looked like Jorja called the game.
Jorja & Raina with the ump and their coach.
They are the two captains waiting to do the coin toss.

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