Friday, September 8, 2017

Twenty-Two Years

Today is our 22nd anniversary. I am super thankful that Mike makes quick decisions and sticks with them. Now he has to put up with me forever! I sure lucked out! Mike came home early from work today. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. Love having gift cards! Turns out we didn't take a picture of us, but I managed to get some of the cheesecake! Priorities, you see.
I knew Stockton and Jorja would love the chocolate one. I was surprised how good the celebration cheesecake was. Delicious! Jorja had a great day at school. The winners of the freshman class election were announced. She went to advisory with the student government people for the first time today. She was put on the homecoming assembly committee. She's super pumped about that. When I mentioned we were going to the cabin over conference she told me she was supposed to decorate for homecoming that weekend. What? Homecoming isn't until the next weekend. I guess they have to decorate for homecoming week. Drat. Still, I'm really excited she has this opportunity.

Jorja's new phone came in the mail today. Now I can have my phone back! I wanted to send Jorja to school unplugged for one day, but Stockton convinced me that it wasn't a good idea. He predicted that the first day in student government everyone would be sharing contact information and Jorja needed to be included in that. He was right, but it would have been nice to not have her so connected for a little while. I took Jorja to Hailey's soccer game. Allison met Jorja there. I talked to Hailey's mom for a bit. Jorja was invited to Jacob's birthday party. He was in her advisory class and she was friends with him a few years ago. I dropped her off at Storm Mountain park. Where she told me the party was. She felt better when she saw Drew. Perfect! I wasn't too far away when she called me and told me she was at the wrong park. Drew was there for a ward party. He is super fun and we stayed and chatted with him, his friends and his parents for about half an hour. I was telling Drew's mom how much we appreciated him and his support for Jorja during the election. He carried her sign every day and was so vocal about supporting her. Drew is super funny and everyone likes him, so this helped Jorja a lot. Stockton would give him a high-five every time he passed him in the halls. Drew said he kind of regretted not running himself and maybe he would next year. Jorja told him just not to run against her! We are lucky Drew didn't run. It was nice to have him behind Jorja for sure!

I drove Jorja to Draper park. I was totally nervous when I dropped her off. It had gotten dark and it looked kind of scary. I waited in the car while she got out and then texted me that she was good. I told her to text us the second she wanted to be picked up, even if it was only in 15 minutes. After she had been there about 45 minutes Mike texted Jorja to ask how things were. She was ready to be picked up. I hurried down there as fast as I could. Jorja said it kind of turned into a make-out party, so she stood awkwardly next to a garbage can for a long time. Oooookayyy then..... Glad we got you back! Jorja was talking to Isaac on speaker phone telling him about the party. Mike yelled from the other room, "Thank you Isaac for not being at the make-out party! Wait....why weren't we at the make-out party? It's our anniversary!" I told him it was okay because we could just make out here. That caused Jorja to run away yelling, "GROSS!" Mike called after her, "You're right! Kissing is gross! Remember that! Kissing is gross!" Hahahaha!!!! We ended up watching Wonder Woman downstairs. Surprisingly I fell asleep during the movie. I really tried to stay awake. I just never make it! I think the movie was good, I'm really not sure. I saw the ending but had no idea what was happening.

Well, that is a wrap for our anniversary this year. Mike got us tickets to see Kristin Chenoweth next month. That will be fun. I sure love my life! Mike is amazing.

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