Friday, October 13, 2017

Brett's Deployed

Brett left this morning on a long flight to UAE. UAE stands for United Arab Emirates. It is located in the Persian Gulf, kind of near Dubai. He will be gone for six months. There is a chance I might be able to watch their kids while Rachel goes over and visits him. That would be awesome! Rachel is going to come back to Idaho for a few months. Hopefully we'll be able to see her lots during this time. She is going to homeschool Marie and Mina. Mina is excited to leave. She hasn't liked school there. I've been working on a stocking for Eve. I was itching to do cross stitch again. When Rachel and I were talking about stockings I asked if simple cross stitch ones would be okay, and if she could do the final sewing of them. The felt ones have gotten so detailed that they take me almost as long as the simple cross stitch ones. Rachel has been making felt ones for her girls, so this should work out well. I like watching the boys at diving. This is what I do while I'm there.
Stockton watched Matt and Sam's kids today so they could go to a play. Matt had given Sam tickets to a play at Hale Theater in Orem for Christmas. He just forgot to get a babysitter. Stockton took care of all three kids, got them to bed and all that other stuff. Not super easy. I love him.

Mike and I went to Isaac and Becky's house for their cider party. Isaac was talking to us, asking about our kids. He said, "Jorja is beautiful, I mean she's stunning. I love watching everyone turn their heads when she walks by." Haha. Jorja is oblivious when other people notice her. It is really quite funny.

Jorja was hoping to go to a haunted house or something like that with friends. It didn't work out. She was disappointed. Instead she watched some episodes of Veronica Mars with me. I need to see if there is a VidAngel version of that show. I would add my commentary. Things like, "NOT APPROPRIATE!" or "CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Jorja ended up falling asleep in the movie room. She had told me if that happened to just let her stay asleep. So, tonight she slept on the couch.

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