Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Diving to Scouts

I took Stockton and Preston to diving today. I also found out that Stockton's first high school meet is on Friday. That is the earliest high school diving has ever started. Jorja has two softball games that day and it is the homecoming game, so that is a bummer. Especially since Gavin can't come because he is performing at halftime in the homecoming game.

It took me longer to get home then normal because Wasatch is closed for some reason. That made Preston ten minutes late for his first scouts with the 11 year olds. He came straight from diving and still had his suit under his pants. I watched him ring the doorbell and his entire bottom was soaking wet. Yep. I'm a good mom. At least I got there to pick him up right as he started walking home. Lucky I did because he wasn't sure of the way. He thought he could find it, but it was so dark outside. And cold. And he didn't have a jacket. And he was wet. Again, good mom.

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