Monday, October 16, 2017


I had a dentist appointment today. While I was waiting Gavin's mom came in for her appointment. That was kind of fun to wait with her. My brother Mike's friend is my dentist. I asked him if he saw the Dodgers game last night. He didn't. He asked if I saw the Yankee/Indiana game last week. I about died laughing. (Except I didn't laugh, I just smiled. I was laughing so hard inside though.) He was telling me about the grand slam, but every time he said 'Indiana' instead of Indians. I didn't correct him, but I thought it was the funniest thing I had heard in awhile.

I took the boys diving today. While I was there Hailey's mom called. I haven't been able to get ahold of her for the last few days, so I was excited that she called me. I went outside and talked to her. She said Jorja could stay with their family while we are in Australia. I'm so happy! Jorja is going to have the best time with Hailey. What could have been a miserable experience will now probably be one of Jorja's favorite memories. I feel much better now.

On the way home, Stockton got this text from Maysen with the caption, "Can you guess which slice is mine?" Haha! I laughed so hard. Today has been a good day for laughing.
Mike was in the middle of making cider when I got home. Becky, his friend from work, came over. The missionaries stopped by too. Apples spray everywhere when they are put in the garbage disposal. It's kind of fun, but also surprises you. I don't think Sister Hutchinson was expecting that.
Sister Argo & Sister Hutchinson
 Sister Argo
 Jorja & Becky
Jorja told Shay she would catch for her during her pitching lesson today. Matt borrowed my car, so I ended up taking Mike's car to diving. His car had all of Jorja's softball stuff in the back. Whoops. Luckily Mike found his mitt, so Jorja used that. I would have felt awful if Jorja had to bail on Shay at the last second.

I also got my haircut today. My entire family makes fun of me for not noticing things. Not one of them noticed I got my haircut. The first thing Sister Hutchinson said to me when I walked in the door was that my haircut looked nice. I told her she was the first one to notice. She was surprised because I cut off quite a bit.

Mike stayed up late dancing with Jorja and joking with Stockton. I love, love, love it when they have fun together.

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