Sunday, October 22, 2017

Michael's Homecoming

Today we got to go and hear Michael speak. It was the first time we have even seen him since he came home from Russia. Lisa and Nathan moved to California while he was on his mission. Jorja loves going to the Hodson church events because it is the same ward as Natalie. It has been fun to see her over the years. I took a picture of Jorja before church started. She was not amused with me. I was laughing pretty hard though.
I waved to Michael when he took the stand. He waved back and then did a double take. He then motioned to his chin. I was sitting next to Stockton and Michael was wondering about his sideburns. Stockton looks a lot more grown up than he did two years ago. Later, Michael asked Stockton about his sideburns. Stockton said, "Well, they were just kind of there, so I went with it." Jorja had fun talking to Natalie and Bode after the meeting. Sad that this is the last time coming to their ward. Even if Lisa and Nathan didn't move, this would be the last one. Michael is the youngest.

We met at Fred's house after church. Fred is Nathan's dad. Shannon snapped a picture of all the siblings together, plus Nathan. It's not often that these guys are all in the same room anymore.
Nathan, Steve, Lisa, Mike, Sherry
I took a picture of Michael's missionary plaque. I'm in charge of getting these for our ward. One of the missionaries picked a super long scripture. His mom has been worried about it. When I heard them read Michael's scripture, I thought that there was no way it was shorter than the plaque I was working on.
Jorja had a bishop appointment after our regular ward meeting. I walked to the church with her. While I was waiting I was looking at the other missionary plaques. I saw one from another ward that has the exact scripture Landon wanted. I snapped a picture and sent it to Landon's mom. That makes me feel relieved. Hopefully I can get Landon's picture soon. I'm still waiting on the scripture and pictures for two other missionaries as well. Every time I talk to their moms about it I say, "Well, we have two years to get it done. It is mostly for the moms anyway."
Jorja and I were looking through her box of silly bands from 1st grade tonight. We were laughing so hard. Jorja and Stockton then made this picture of what one of the silly bands looked like. I don't get it, but they thought it was hilarious.

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