Thursday, October 19, 2017

Post of Vagueness

Shannon likes to give people money if they do random things. Usually Jorja is all over that, which is why she eats bugs. She wasn't feeling it today. Shannon told Brandon's friends she would give them $10 if they touched a duck. They never did.
Hayden trying to reach the duck
We spent most of the day on the lake. This was the only picture I could get of Jorja.
 Steve driving, Mike on the wakeboard
 Preston. He looks so tiny!
 Preston on the knee board. He looked like he was playing Mario Kart.
 He loved it out there.
 Stockton & Preston
 Weston, Stockton, Preston
 This is the one that finally dumped them.
 Kind of hard to stay on through that.
Steve and Shannon decided to leave the house boat in the dock and take day trips with the boat. This meant we had cell service. I was hoping we would be without cell service for a few days. I think it would have been better for Jorja if we were. Jorja was not herself today. She was sad, but she also didn't feel well either. After boating Jorja and I went in our room while I had her listen to the talk "Turn to the Lord" given by Bishop Waddell this last General Conference. (Thanks for reminding me about this one Shannon.) Here are a few of my favorite parts. "Although each 'change' may be unique to our individual circumstances, there is a common element in the resulting trial or challenge --hope and peace are always available through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ." "We cannot control all that happens to us, but we have absolute control over how we respond to the changes in our lives. This does not imply that the challenges and trials we face are of no consequence and easily handled or dealt with. It does not imply that we will be free from pain or heartache. But it does mean that there is cause for hope and that due to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can move forward and find better days." "Whatever change in life's circumstance may come our way, and whatever unexpected path we may have to travel, how we respond is a choice. Turning to the Savior and grasping His outstretched arm is always our best option." Bishop Waddell also talked about resources that are available to us. The obvious ones like scriptures, prayer, fasting, sacrament, temple, priesthood were all listed. He also added wise counseling through trained professionals and even medication, when properly prescribed and used as authorized. I don't think Jorja will need any medication, but I was glad that the counseling was mentioned. It helps take the stigma away. I hope I can find the perfect therapist for Jorja. Not for dealing with her break up with Isaac, but to help with her panic attacks. Hopefully if we deal with them now, they will go away and she won't suffer with them much longer. Jorja and I talked for a long time. She is going to be okay, she'll just be sad for a bit.

I am once again really behind on my blog. This time was because I didn't know exactly what to write on this post. I have thought and thought about what to say, and I have talked to one of the players involved in the incident about what would be appropriate to write. This is the reason the post is titled the 'Post of Vagueness'. Something that really bothered me happened tonight. This has nothing to do with Jorja. I wanted to add that since I have been talking a lot about her lately. I also want to note that I am not upset with any of the people on the boat. I am extremely upset with some strangers we met. I decided not to write any details about the incident. It is not my story to tell. I just want to note that there is a definite double standard when it comes to boys and girls. It is not right, it is not fair, and it is not okay.

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