Monday, October 30, 2017


Bubs sent us this picture of the umps strike zone from yesterday's game. I laughed and laughed.
Stockton and I went to the courthouse today to pay his ticket. Hopefully we can get him signed up for the four hour class at the police station so he doesn't get any points on his record. Maysen sent me this picture with the caption, "Food I own right now." Should I be worried? Looks like she is officially a stereotypical college student.
Maysen's fridge
Evan and Hailey came over and hung out with Jorja. Evan had extra tickets to Cornbellys. Jorja could go, but they couldn't find anyone else to go with them. (Hailey had to leave to soccer practice in the middle.) They ended up carving pumpkins at Evan's house. This was great because Jorja wanted to invite friends over to carve pumpkins. I did not want to deal with that. I have so much to do to get ready for Australia, I couldn't add one more thing. Jorja had a great time. She tried to carve 'scary' in Chinese on her pumpkin.
Evan, Jorja, Hailey
I took Stockton, Preston, Gavin and Janelle to diving today. Stockton did the best twist I have ever seen him do. I love that he is working with Ted now. Ted speaks in a way Stockton can understand. Plus, he gets to dive with Gavin. Perfect. I spent my time at diving writing my book review that is due tomorrow. I was asked to review More Than Enough. I really loved it. Usually non-fiction is not my favorite, but there were so many good things that spoke to me right now. I loved her analogy of glass balls verses rubber balls. You can't juggle all of the balls all of the time. You have to focus especially on the glass ones. The rubber ones will bounce. The trick is to make sure the rubber balls don't turn into glass. She talked about how God says no to us all the time, so it is okay for us to say no to things too. There was a great chapter on dealing with hurt and one about sometimes being nearby is enough. I loved the chapter on shame and guilt as well. I will have to buy this one when it comes out in the stores. I think I want to highlight some things and look at them often. I did get the review sent off tonight! Yay! The rest of my day was spent on laundry.

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