Sunday, October 1, 2017

Texting During Conference

I love General Conference. I love listening to the speakers with my family. This time my brothers' and dad were also texting throughout conference, just like we do with baseball/football games. Mike texted something funny and I laughed right as the speaker was telling a sad story. I think a kid just died in the story and I started laughing. My kids looked at me like I was crazy. Basically my brother Mike was making fun of my dad. He thought the speaker looked like him. Then he said, "I guess it's not you because both pupils are the same size...but I bet he combs his hair with one of those worn out brushes like you." Anyways, reading my brothers' texts throughout conference was quite funny to me. Then it was weird when Elder Hales died fifteen minutes after the morning session ended. Elder Anderson's talk at the end of conference was great.

My family came over after conference for dinner. I had been making rolls, but messed up a million times. They turned out okay though. My dad brought potatoes with cowboy spuds for the topping. Then he made milkshakes for all who wanted them. It was a fun day.

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