Friday, November 3, 2017

Doyle on the Beach

Mike and I finally arrived in Sydney around 7:30 this morning. Our baggage even arrived too! Yay! We took a train and then walked quite awhile until we found our hotel. They were able to get us in early. Jorja had sent me a Marco Polo, so we did that for awhile. Mike and I showered and got ready to explore. We took the train to Circular Quay.
Cool building on the way to the train station.
 Stockton would love having random pingpong tables around.
I have only seen one exit sign in Australia. Most of them are 'way out' signs. Makes sense.
 Mike got a laugh at this.
 We arrived with ten minutes to spare to catch our ferry. We spent it eating gelato.
 Not a good picture, but I wanted to show Stockton the chocolate.
 We took a ferry to Watson's Bay, passing the Sydney Opera House on the way.
 Stephanie & Mike
 Harbor Bridge. People are at the top of that thing! Mike would not like that at all!
We stopped to have lunch at Doyle on the Beach. I didn't realize what it was called, I just knew Mike wanted to take a ferry to fish and chips and then walk to a lighthouse. Jorja has a friend whose last name is Doyle, so I took a lot of pictures. I thought she would like them.
 Established 1885? Wow. That's a long time.
We had the best seat in the house at this restaurant. I about died when I saw the prices though. Mike ordered his fish and chips. I ordered a side salad and garlic bread. After we left I realized that I was thinking US currency. Lunch wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. Whew.
 Mike & Stephanie
The walk to the lighthouse was fun. There are fortresses along the way. Kind of reminded me a bit of Fort McHenry.
 So beautiful.
On the way to the light house we passed Lady Beach. That was when we noticed it was a nude beach. Oh my gosh! I laughed so hard. That is a literal sign taken literally. Mike says there is good naked and not good naked. Climbing rocks is a NOT GOOD naked! We did finally make it to the lighthouse.
 Water is pretty.

There were a lot of tropical birds making joyful noise for us as we were on our walk. It was really pretty. Mike and I made it to the ferry terminal right as the ferry was pulling in. We were quite impressed with ourselves. We took a different ferry to the zoo, only to discover they were closing in an hour. We didn't stay. Now we are back in our hotel room. Mike is asleep. I'm working on the blog. I can hardly keep my eyes open. It is 6:44 at night. We're party animals!

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