Sunday, November 26, 2017

Hutch Sighting

Mike and I got up at 5:30 this morning to fill the font for a convert baptism. It takes about three hours to fill the font. The baptism was scheduled for 9:00. It's weird, because in our stake center, the baptismal font is in the hallway. There is also 9:00 church. I was worried about this. The missionaries said it would be fine. And it was. Once Mike got the font going, we had to sit there for three hours. Mike brought his laptop and we watched The Force Awakens. Well, we only were able to watch the first part, because it was awkward to watch Star Wars once people started coming to church.
 The plug likes to float up, it is annoying.
 Mike is a master improviser
I went home and picked up Jorja. She was asked to lead the music at the baptism. Sister Hutchinson was allowed to come back for this one. Jorja was so excited to see her again. You would think she had been gone forever, instead of less than a week!
Jorja & Hutch
 I snuck in their selfie
Mike went straight from the baptism to ward council. I finished working on my lesson. I only had two kids today. The lesson went great, so that was a win. Mike and I finished watching The Force Awakens while Stockton was at mission prep. Mike dressed up for the occasion.
 Jorja working on her scrapbook
Today was the last day of our vacation. Too bad we spent most of it being sick. Hopefully Christmas vacation is better to us. Mike talked to the kids about The Living Christ. We are going to go through that a little at a time now that we just finished the Book of Mormon. We also are going to watch bible videos during scripture study.

Mike, Preston and I played a game of Pandemic. We barely won that game. Preston is a walking rule book. It is so funny. When Mike and Preston are having a disagreement about a rule, Preston is always right. Plus, he will quote exactly what the rule says. He's awesome.

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