Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Off to Australia

I spent the day frantically getting everything ready so I could leave. I checked Preston out of school and took him grocery shopping with me. He really wanted to be there to pick out a few things. If that is what it takes to make him feel comfortable then that is what I was going to do. He asked me about twenty times if he could be with my dad on Saturday during Stockton's dive meet. Luckily my dad was available then.

Stockton came home with his new bowling shirt. He is so excited that Alta now has a bowling club. Too bad they didn't start this three years ago! He had games today, but I have no idea how they went. At least he let me give him a gigantic hug before he went bowling.
I dropped Jorja off at Hailey's house. I am so glad she is going to be there. I think spending a week with Hailey is just what she needs right now. I met Mike at the car shop. He has our van in to fix the brakes while we are gone. We drove to the car lot and Steve took us to the airport. Then he took the new car to have the brakes looked at. Hopefully all the cars will be in tip top shape when we get back. I was sick to my stomach on my way to the airport. I'm so nervous about the kids. Isaac texted me a quick note. I told him I was nervous and feeling sick. He assured me that it would be okay. For some reason that made me smile. I know it will be okay. I felt anxious all day, but I didn't feel like I was supposed to stay. I felt I was supposed to leave, I just hope all the kids will be happy and safe and fed!

We got to the airport in plenty of time. Our plane did not. It was still in California when we were supposed to be boarding. Mike was so stressed out. We worked with the lady for a long time to see if we could find a different way to Australia. If we missed our connection in California, we would have to wait four days to get another one. Mike would be late to his conference and miss his presentation. We were flying American Airlines, but they wouldn't let us switch to Delta because they are not on happy terms with them right now. There were about seven of us in the same boat. We asked if they would hold the plane for us. Nope. We all decided to take our chances. We knew it would be risky, but it was our best option. Jorja sent me a Marco Polo video saying that if I didn't make the flight I shouldn't let Hailey's mom know. Haha! She's pretty excited about this week. On a side note, while we were waiting I asked if they could put the World Series on the tv. Nope again. CNN has a contract with them. The lady put Mike and I in the exit row and I felt slightly uncomfortable. The two shortest people on the plane had the most legroom. I felt like I needed a bar to put over my lap to keep me safe. It was weird.
Stephanie & Mike's feet
 Mike and Stephanie on the first flight. Mike's just a little bit nervous.
The flight attendant asked if she could leave her suitcase under my chair. I told her sure, but I have a favor. Could she please help us get off the plane as quickly as possible? I let her know our predicament. When the plane landed they asked everyone to stay seated and let the group of us get off first. We hurried off and ran through the airport. A lady was waiting for us and got us on a bus to drive to the correct terminal. We made it just in time! Yay! Yay! Yay! Too bad the Dodgers lost the World Series though, and I didn't get to see even one pitch of this game.

Mike had an isle seat and I had a window seat. A nine year old girl traveling by herself named Silvia sat between us. She wanted to play bowling with me right away. The bigger planes are nice with the personalized tv and video games. Stockton would probably play trivia the entire time.
 Silvia was really excited about the back of the remote for some reason.
 They also feed you on the long flights. Silvia gave me her salad and swiped my cheese.
We will be on this airplane for the next fifteen hours. Oh boy..... I hope the kids are doing okay.

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