Saturday, November 18, 2017

Traffic School

Stockton had traffic school this morning. At least that is done now. The guy that gave Stockton the ticket was the one who was doing the school. He talked about how he liked to make everyone's day stressful and never gave warnings. Of course that would be the guy who would pull over Stockton. At the beginning of class the officer wanted to see who had the worst speeding ticket. Turns out a guy in the class got pulled over for going 115 in a 25. Yikes! The dumb thing is the police officer that pulled him over wrote his ticket down so it said he was going 5 over in a 25. He got the same ticket as Stockton when he was going 90 miles an hour over the speed limit.

Stockton and I went to the mall after I picked him up. I wanted to return Jorja's jacket I got her for her birthday. Well, I wanted to get the exact same one. The pocket broke on the first one. Luckily they had an extra small and I was able to do that. Hopefully this one doesn't break. At the mall, they have a Harry Potter thing. Holy cow was it crowded! It looked like people were waiting forever just to go in a little kiosk thing. We did not do that. The line went all the way to the escalators. Crazy.
Mike made bread today. He always texts the missionaries when he makes bread so they can come pick up a loaf. Jorja and I missed them by minutes. Sister Hutchinson left Jorja this note. She finds out Monday if she is getting transferred. The chances she stays are really slim, but it would be so cool if she did!

Mike, Preston and I played a couple of games of Preston's new Pandemic. That was fun. Jorja went to the Wizard of Oz to usher. During the show she sat by her psychology teacher. She thought that was funny.

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