Friday, December 29, 2017

40 mph

Today was a fun, fun day! We spent most of the time outside. I didn't take any pictures this time though. We also played lots of games. The kids had a great time with each other. It is so fun having Rachel and her girls here!  Bubs and Ange left this afternoon. Ella had a dentist appointment and Bubs had two games to ref tonight. One was Alta. That would have been a fun one to see!
Mina, Ella, Eve, Abby, Amelia, Grace
Marie and Mina helped Jorja make cookies.
 Mina & Marie
Stockton played chess with anyone who would play with him. He has spent most of his inside time up here working on 'Jorja simulator'. That thing is so funny. Stockton loves mocking Jorja about boys.
 Maysen & Stockton
 Eve fell asleep on me when I was playing Dominion with Mike, Matt, Stockton and Preston. I won!
 Maysen spent a lot of time playing with the little girls.
Grace, Anne, Maysen, Mina
 It was so funny! They were playing with their Christmas stuffed animals and the game got pretty vicious.
Grace, Eve, Maysen, Anne
 Parrydise. I love it here.
The most fun we had today was when we put on a Barbie show for the girls. Matt and Sam watched them. My family, Rachel and Marie all went night sledding. It was so dark! We did trains out front for a long time. It was fast and scary! Mike tried to convince them to race in trains of two instead of one long train. Jorja came down with Maysen behind her. They were cruising! Jorja said it was the scariest thing she has ever done. Well......that was until we went to the Springs. We decided to go night sledding up there. Marie said she had never been there. That is so sad! It's hard when you live so far away. Being the kindhearted people we are, we thought she must experience the Springs. Even though it was dark, dark, dark. Mike got the snowmobile and we took that and the 4 wheeler up there. I went down on the first run. Holy cow! It was so fast and so dark! We were racing and it was scary knowing Stockton was right behind me and was waiting for the right time to crash me. It was a crazy fun ride though. Stockton won. We were all laughing hysterically when we reached the bottom. Marie did great! This was the first time she sled this, it was pitch black and super fast. She LOVED it. We took two more runs. Mike got to sled this time. Stockton's sled broke at the top. Luckily I was waiting for Rachel and Marie to pass, so he was able to catch up to me. His sled was unrideable. Boo. Everyone was flying down the hill. I mean F-L-Y-I-N-G! In the pitch dark. Crazy fun. We decided to go one more run down the hill. Mike and I both had to drive the machines down, so we weren't able to sled. I was trying to stay right behind Rachel. I was in 3rd gear trying to keep up with her. I had my eyes focused on Rachel. I hit a giant rock that stuck out of the side. Good thing we have tracks on the 4 wheeler. I just bounced off. Earlier I noticed the mph when we weren't going nearly as fast. 25 mph. They were so much faster this time. Rachel is convinced that they were going at least 40 mph. She said she had never gone that fast before. She was trying to keep up with Jorja who had no fear and was flying down on ice. Luckily no one got hurt, but man was that fun! Maysen, Stockton, Jorja and Preston were all there. None of them had any fear. None of them got hurt. Best night sledding ever!

Mike, Maysen, Stockton, Preston, Matt and I stayed up until 1:00 am playing Colt Express. I won and was quite impressed that I pulled off the victory. It was an ugly victory, but still . . . a win is a win.

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