Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Today is my birthday! My kids all woke me up right at midnight and sang 'Happy Birthday'. Haha. I love them. Today was a great day. I read, worked on Eve's stocking, played games, went sledding, watched old family movies, ate cake. All fun things. I love having my birthday up here.
Preston, Mike, Stephanie, Maysen, Stockton, Jorja
Jeff and Amelia
Sam, Jorja, Stockton's legs, Maysen
My Porge
Ange, Amelia, Anne
Ella & Jorja
I think it is funny how it looks like Ella has white legs. You can't even see Jorja in this picture.
There she is!
And she broke one of my favorite sleds. Also, proof that Bubs had nothing to do with the broken sled.
How did she manage to break it that bad?
Anne & Amelia
Jorja Porge
Apparently she wants me to stop taking her picture!
I love it when Jorja doesn't wear any makeup. She's so beautiful.
Stockton and Bubs. Different sleds. Racing. Looks like Stockton won.
Bubs, Matt, Abby
Matt & Bubs
Jorja & Ella, Maysen, Ange, Amelia's tiny head, Abby, Stockton
Stephanie & Jorja
I wanted to get a picture with all my kids one by one on my birthday. That didn't happen. I did get one with my Porge though.
She is standing on a slope, that is why she is towering over me.
Jorja & Stephanie
Bubs walking, Jorja, Sam and Ella on the 4 wheeler, Matt, Stockton and Maysen being pulled behind.
I convinced Stockton to ride up backwards with me. You can't see him, but I got to hold him the entire way up the mountain. It was the best! Abby went up backwards with us too. I think Maysen's feet are on the left.
Stockton went inside to take a shower while the rest of us went to the Springs. We were able to go three times before we realized the four wheeler was almost out of gas. The first run up to the springs we were following a razor with tracks. They had a tiny girl pulled behind on skis and some kids in a sled being pulled behind as well. About half way up, the tiny girl fell. The sled ran over her. The razor kept going. I thought the razor would stop for her, but it never did. I ran up to her and asked if she wanted a ride. I carried her and put her on with us. She was probably about six years old. We got to the top and the razor was gone. I don't know if he went back to look for her. The tiny girl said she didn't know how to get her skis on. Mike and I helped her and sent her down the mountain. She was there when we got down, so that was a relief.

Stockton brought out our old home movies. Movies from when I was little. We watched those for a few hours. It was cool to see my mom. Stockton said he had never heard her voice before. The kids laughed and laughed when my dad was secretly videoing Mike and I on our sweethearts date. There were also lots of funny things my brothers did. I recorded some of them on my phone. I'll have to post them some time. The connection here is way too slow to do that today.

Rachel and her girls arrived tonight! Yay! It is so nice to have them here. Especially to know they aren't on the roads anymore. Rachel brought me presents. She gave me an electric can opener. That was funny. We told her how we got one for our wedding and made fun of it, then we started using it and loved it. We were sad when it broke. So, she got me another one. She also got me a small food processor. I can't remember what she was making at my house when she wanted that, but it will be nice to have one. Especially when I make cranberry sauce. Jorja made my birthday cake. She made an Andes mint cake and it was delicious.
Jeff & Stockton photobombing Stephanie, Ella and Abby in the back.
Stephanie, Jeff, Stockton
Not the prettiest picture, but it sure was delicious!
I asked the kids to play a game of rummy with me. We played that all the time at the cabin while I was growing up. I hardly ever play it with my kids. They weren't the happiest about it, but they played with me anyway. Jorja was winning most of the game until the last hand where Stockton pulled ahead.

We were laughing about how everyone loves Camille's mug and multiple people will use it a trip. Sam and Amelia love it the most. While we were talking about it, Preston decided he would use it the rest of the night.
Mike forgot my birthday cards at home, but my present from him was to get weights. I have wanted new ones for awhile. Hopefully I can get back to working out now that I've had several months off. Yikes! My dad also gave me a dna test. I laughed because that is when Scoop and Cori gave us. Six tests, one for everyone in the family. I remember now my dad asking me if I would like something like that. I think I told him that it sounded interesting, but something I would never buy for myself. Hahaha! Now my birthday is over and that is sad.

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