Monday, December 25, 2017

December 25

We had a pretty simple Christmas. Mike set up a tree last night and it looked so beautiful. I'm always the first one up, no matter how late I go to bed the night before. I did get to have a really peaceful morning.
Bubs and Ange celebrated Christmas before they came to the cabin as well. We just had a relaxing day. Played lots of games. Some sledding was done. I worked on Eve's stocking and read a book. Mike and Ange put out a fire in the stove. Nice that the cabin didn't burn down.
Ange & Mike
I found this picture on Jorja's phone and texted it to myself. We stayed up late playing games. Well, Mike, Maysen, Stockton, Preston, Bubs and Ange all played Colt Express. I worked on the stocking instead, but it was fun to hear the conversation. That game is pretty fun. I stayed up until about 2:30 in the morning talking to Ange. We are going to be tired tomorrow.

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