Sunday, December 3, 2017

Smith Family Gingerbread

We had tithing settlement this morning, church, then Mike and I hurried to get everything ready for the gingerbread party. Jorja was making us all laugh before everyone arrived. I love to see her happy.
 It's weird how there is no snow outside
My camera was taking pictures orange. It took me awhile to figure out how to change it, so the first part of the party all the pictures will be orange. We also set up tables in the piano room so the First Presidency Christmas Devotional could be going while we decorated.
 Connor's friend, Connor, Matt
 Miah & Jorja
 This one isn't orange because it was my cell phone . . . Matt, Miah, Jorja
 I finally figured out how to fix the camera, testing it with Jorja's smile.
 Connor's friend, Connor
 Preston . . . with a knife . . . and an evil grin
 Derek & Leo (and Jacob)
 Mike made a manger scene, although Jesus looks like he is about to be sacrificed on an alter
 Taylor got here late, but was able to knock his house out lickety split
 Connor's mission buddy
 Connor wearing Preston's 'future missionary' tag
 Connor's friend, Matt
Connor, Xander, Miah, Sherry
 Taylor's family is now in California, so the Hardy's adopted him today.
Taylor, Connor, Xander, Connor's friend, Matt, Miah, Sherry
 Nova & Taylor
 Nova & Melissa
 Leo, Nova, Melissa
 Taylor & Jorja
Another gingerbread party is in the books. I love how my family loves this tradition. They aren't shy about telling me that either, which makes me very happy. I want to have Jorja help me put together a gingerbread book of all our creations over the years. That would be fun to have, and to keep adding to.

Okay, quick change of topic. Jorja had a best friend named Katlyn. They were best friends for about two years and were always together. Around March Katlyn told Jorja she needed a break. Jorja took that to mean Katlyn didn't want to be friends with her anymore. And they weren't. It was so weird. It has been really hard on Jorja. They haven't really spoken since March. Anyway, today, out of the blue, Katlyn texted Jorja. She flat out apologized for everything. She told Jorja that what she did to her was the worse thing she ever has done and that she really wanted to be friends again. Katlyn didn't try to justify what she did, she just owned it and said she was sorry. She didn't try to make Jorja feel like anything was her fault, she took all the responsibility. When Jorja showed me Katlyn's text I thought to myself, "Now that is an apology!" Jorja was so happy! She talked to Katlyn for a long time on FaceTime while she was getting ready for bed. I hope these girls can be friends again. They had so much fun together. Jorja has missed having a strong girl connection. Hailey has always been there for her, but when these three were together it was great. Poor Hailey was caught in the middle, but she navigated it like a champ. I am hopeful about this. I hope Katlyn and Jorja can get their connection back, Jorja really needs something like this right now.

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