Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Back to real life. The kids are at school. Nice that it was late start for Stockton and Jorja. Except Stockton had to go early for Academic Decathlon. I took Maysen to her laser appointment. While she was there I went to Deseret Book to look for things for my Gospel Essentials class. I'm not really sure exactly what to do, but I think I teach from the Gospel Principles book. Maysen and I stopped at Walmart to pick up bananas. We found 7 of my favorite sleds. They were on sale and we bought all they had. When we checked out the lady said, "Oh, you're the one who is buying all the sleds. Someone just bought two sleds and pointed out that you had the rest." They're lucky they got there first, I would have bought those two too!
Maysen and I went out to lunch at OHOP. I tried their veggie crepe (with chicken - ha!) I wasn't a fan. I was stuffed afterwords though. Stockton went to diving today and Jorja stayed after school for her first Macbeth rehearsal. I wasn't sure when she would be done. Turns out it was 6:00. Yikes! She came home with her rehearsal schedule. She will be there until 6:00 most nights. Holy cow! I hope she loves it! She didn't have much time at home. She had Young Womens tonight as well. She did have time to play the piano for awhile. Jorja has written a few songs that she plays. I have heard her play the You Are My Sunshine quite a bit. She changed the lyrics to the song and I love it. This was the first time I heard her play another song she wrote. I love listening to her. I think she sounds beautiful.

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