Thursday, February 1, 2018

By the Skin of his Teeth

Stockton finished! The BYU application was due at 11:59. He sent his in at 11:17 and finished the scholarship portion at 11:58. I think he had to write six essays today. Luckily today was his super late start day and he didn't have to go to diving. Also, both of his teachers got their recommendations in today and his SLCC transcript came through at 5:30. So glad that is all over with! Jorja, how about you get your college applications done well in advance? Maybe you should start working on them now!
 I was a little slow getting the picture of him clicking the final submit button. Oh well.
Stockton will sleep well tonight! Ha! No he won't, he has to get up at 5:45 to go to his English class at SLCC tomorrow. That boy sure works hard! Jorja slept in the guest room for unknown reasons. She was a little sad after school. I asked her if she wanted me to sleep in there with her. That is what I would do a few months ago. She just wanted to be alone. Hopefully she sleeps well and can be back to her delightful self tomorrow.

Mike, Preston and I played Pandemic Season 2 today. We lost. That game is hard! Preston loves it though. I hope we can figure out the best plan to meet our objectives. I love playing games with Preston. It is crazy how he can remember every single obscure rule there is! Makes playing games with him easy though.

Today would have been my mom and dad's 49th wedding anniversary. How fun would it have been to celebrate 50 years with them next year? I miss my mom.

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