Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Fav Mom

Jorja was not feeling well this morning.  I have been giving Olivia and her friend Sophie rides to school. I felt it was too late to cancel, so I took them to school without Jorja. I stopped at the store to pick up an envelope for Stockton. He needs a sealed letter of recommendation from a teacher for a scholarship he is applying for. When I came back from the store, Jorja was ready to go. I guess there is an assembly today that she wanted to see. The Shakespeare team was performing in it and she really wanted to watch. She's thinking about trying out next year and was hoping to get an idea what it would be like. Hawkapella was also performing. She has friends in that group as well. Th4e Shakespeare team went first and Jorja only saw the last line of their performance. Drat.

I asked my dad if he would take me to Costco. Our membership expired awhile ago. I wanted to get some Carnation Instant Breakfast. Preston has one every day. Turns out they were on sell, so I stocked up. Almost a year supply. I also splurged and got some pomegranates for Jorja. I texted her a picture and she replied, "YAYAYAYAY You're my fav mom out of all my moms". Too bad the pomegranates were rotten. BOO!!!!! I know Costco would take them back, but by the time we realized how bad they were my dad was one day away from leaving to Israel, and I didn't want to bother him over something little.
 Preston's supply
 Apparently Jorja spends time at rehearsal upside down.
I drove up to Logan today to see Maysen! I brought her a few things she wanted and took her shopping. We were looking for exercise clothes. We had half success. The mall by her apartment is pretty small. We went to eat at IHOP before I left. It was great to be able to spend the evening with her. As an added bonus, I got to meet her roommate Dickyi for the first time! She seems really nice.
 Maysen and Stephanie
I was exhausted by the time I finally made it home. It was worth it though!

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