Sunday, February 4, 2018

Super Bowl Sunday

Stockton and Jorja didn't appreciate me trying to take a picture of them before church. I have not been able to get a good picture of Stockton since he cut his hair!
 Jorja is in the process of saying, "Stoooooooop". Ha, that looks like stoop when I put too many os.
Stockton came to my gospel essentials class for the first time. I asked him to explain what he knew about the pre-existence. Oh. My. Gosh. He had the entire class laughing. That kid is a story teller. Brother Henderson asked if he was in drama. My favorite was when he was talking about Heavenly Father and Jesus talking about their plan when Lucifer yells from the middle of the crowd, "You suck!" Unlike my children, I am a horrible writer and can't explain this very well, but it was so funny. Also a Goldbergs reference. Anyway, the lesson went well. I was thrilled because I got Ian to come to my class. He always skips out after sacrament meeting. I was begging him to come to my class. He was walking with me on the way out. Little did he know that it was also the way to my classroom. I then started the class by saying, "Today's lesson is on Freedom to Choose." Ian started laughing and called me a hypocrite. It was funny. Stockton also went to Elders Quorum with Mike today. I think he liked it. I know Mike did. I can't believe he is eighteen!

My family came over for the Super Bowl today. My dad brought chili and I made cornbread. Luckily Sam texted me last night to ask if it was dairy free. I almost forgot about that! I just needed to use almond milk to make it work for Anne. It was yummy. I hope she liked it. Gayle came over too. Jorja was playing the piano, which led us to talk about Grandma's organ. Gayle wanted to give it away awhile ago. She still has it and said we can have it. I have no idea where to put it, but Jorja is thrilled with the idea.

This year's Super Bowl was awesome! It was a great game from start to finish. I didn't really have a preference, so I cheered for both teams. I did cheer extra hard for Van Noy. Mike and Stockton came in to watch the last two minutes. Mike says that is enough football for him. Luckily I have my brothers, dad, and Gayle who watched it with me.

Before Matt and Sam left I tried to get a picture of Greg. He reminds me so much of John's Brandon. I couldn't get a great picture, but he looks and moves just like him.
 Greg did not like me taking his binky out to get this picture.
Gayle started feeling really dizzy as she was leaving. My dad drove her home. I followed him so I could bring my dad back. Gayle gave me the key to the storage unit where the organ is. Hopefully it isn't too hard to get it here. Even more hopefully, I hope Gayle is okay and starts feeling better.

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