Friday, March 9, 2018

Dogs and Dinosaurs

I have been so frustrated lately. My computer won't turn on, so I am using a different one. That is fine, except for some reason it wouldn't realize my phone was unlocked. I would plug my phone in so I could get pictures off of it, but it kept saying, "Please unlock Stephanie's iPhone." I tried everything I could think of. It even took Mike awhile to figure out how to fix it. I hurried and got all the pictures off, but I'm worried that when I want more pictures it will happen again. Anyway, now I am quite behind on the blog.

We woke up this morning and Preston played with dogs. He might as well enjoy them while he is here! I have no plans on getting a dog any time soon, or ever.
Grizzly and Preston
 Grizzly, Princess and Preston
 Princess licking Preston's feet - GROSS!
Scoop and Cori took us to my favorite breakfast place. Bear Paw Cafe. It is so good! I got a peanut butter waffle and hot chocolate. Mike got stuffed french toast and Preston got crepes. Maysen got a chocolate waffle with ice-cream. We were stuffed when we left! Mike and Preston shared an orange smoothie. This picture reminded me of Mike sharing a root beer float with Maysen when she was one. If I was on top of things, I would put that picture next. But I'm not. Obviously.
Mike and Preston
We went to the dinosaur museum next. I didn't have huge expectations for this. I really liked it though. It was cool, the museum was actually built around where the dinosaur tracks were found. I liked this 'gum ball' machine. Ha! Too bad I didn't have any spare change for the kids.
 Random pictures from the dinosaur museum.
 Maysen and I laughed and laughed at this sign.
 There was a giant mural with two time machines hidden. Dr. Who's police box and the car from Back to the Future.
 Took this for my Porge!
 Preston and Maysen
I'm not sure what the name of the place Scoop and Cori took us to next is. I do know that I HATED it! Cori said it reminded her of The Land Before Time. I was super paranoid the entire time that someone was going to fall. I don't know why I'm so nervous, but I was about to cry. Maybe because I hadn't emotionally prepared myself for the height, or maybe because Preston was running around jumping everywhere. Anyway, I was relieved when we were back in the car.
 Preston and Maysen
 Mike and Scoop
 Cori and Preston
 Preston and Maysen
Next we headed to Dixie State University to watch Stockton in the quiz bowl competition. Stockton spent today taking many many tests. This was the finale. Stockton knew going into it that Alta didn't have a chance. They were three players short. They were missing one player in the varsity group (gpa below 3.0) They were missing two players in the scholastic group (gpa 3.7-3.0 or something like that). The only group that had all the players was Stockton's group. They are in the honors group (gpa above 3.7). I'm not sure where to put my periods. Sorry Maysen. I know that will annoy you. Anyway, Alta only had 13 or 15 points after the first two groups went. Obviously you can't get any points for an empty chair. Stockton's group was awesome! Alta finished with 24 points. That meant Stockton's group scored 19 or 21 points. (Another reason why I'm annoyed I'm behind. My memory is horrible!) There is only 24 points possible for each group. Stockton's group more than doubled Alta's score.
Mrs. Heffner, Nate B., Other Nate, Riley, Stockton, Weston, Mr. Ochoa, Only girl
 Alta came in 9th. Awesome with their huge handicap. Jordan also had an incomplete team.
 Scoop, Stockton, Mike
Stockton came with us to dinner. We ate at Chuck-a-rama. Man, we have eaten like kings on this trip! Thanks Scoop and Cori! We dropped Stockton back off at his hotel then headed home to play cards. (After watching the last few minutes of the Jazz game.) Scoop, Mike, Preston and I played Mormon Bridge. Preston does not enjoy card games. I think he will once he is more familiar with them, but right now it is definitely not his favorite.

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