Saturday, March 17, 2018

Fishes, Diving, and EFY

Today was a crazy busy day. Lots of things happening at the same time. I will break things up into three different sections. First, Maysen and Preston. Maysen is taking an Oceanography class at Utah State. They had a field trip at the aquarium by our house. Maysen asked if Preston would want to meet her here and go with her. He was SO EXCITED! Preston is the most vocal about missing Maysen and jumps at every chance to see her. Maysen told them they would have to be at the aquarium at 9:45 at the latest or Preston might not be able to in with her. Mike was there right on time. Maysen was driving through Bountiful. Oh boy. Once the bus arrived they wouldn't let anyone off of it because one more bus was still coming. Preston could see Maysen, but couldn't get to her.
Preston waiting for Maysen
 Maysen and Preston! Preston's much happier now!
 Preston eating lunch.
Mike picked up Preston around 2:00. He said Preston loved the field trip. Maysen headed back on the bus to Logan. How fun that he got to see her for a few hours. I wish I did! I couldn't see Maysen because Stockton had his regional diving competition. It was held at the U, so I needed to volunteer. Gavin's dad picked up Stockton at 6:30 this morning. Warm ups started at 7:00. Stockton and Gavin weren't scheduled to dive for a few hours, so Gavin's dad took them to breakfast. I was assigned to put the scores in the computer. It is an easy job, but I got soaked. The computer got soaked. Too bad for me, my cross stitch bag got soaked. I forgot it was under my chair. Once I realized I hurried and pulled everything out. I had all the papers and the fabric drying on the giant foam square thing behind me. So glad the red didn't bleed! Stockton did great on one meter. He placed high enough to go to Nationals in Florida. Yay! He actually wanted to go this year. Stockton has earned a spot to go to Nationals on other years, it just never worked out. Regionals are usually on Saturday and Sunday. They will have 3 meter on Saturday and 1 meter on Sunday. Then Nationals will have 1 meter on Saturday and 3 meter on Sunday. It is quite annoying. Anyway, this time they had one and three meter both on Saturday. It made for a really long day, but yay! 1 meter will be on Saturday at Nationals. 3 meter will be on Sunday, so Stockton will only compete in 1 meter. Here are a few of his dives.
Front 1 1/2
Front 2 1/2
Back 1 1/2
Inward 1 1/2
Mike dropped off Preston at the aquarium and then hurried up to the U to watch Stockton. He was able to watch him dive most of 1 meter. He had to leave to go back and pick up Preston and take Jorja up to Orem. He dropped Jorja off in Orem and raced back to Salt Lake to watch Stockton. He got to see the end of his 3 meter competition. Yikes! That's a lot of driving! Stockton also earned a spot to go to Nationals in 3 meter, but he is going to decline it because of the Sunday thing. I also worked the computer during this event. Stockton texted me after one of his dives and said that Gavin wasn't going to do his 205 (back 2 1/2). I showed the text to Gavin's dad who was announcing next to me.  Then Gavin failed his 107 (front 3 1/2). You can't fail two dives and make it to Nationals. He had to do it and land it, but he did not want to. His mom wasn't very happy with him. They had already bought tickets and everything. Stockton got Mickey to talk to him. I watched Mickey try to calm Gavin down, which raised my opinion of Mickey. Gavin went up on the board. He turned around like he was going to go for it, then he turned back around like he was just going to jump off, then he turned around again. He threw it and landed it. That was a lot of pressure. He was so scared. I don't know why he signed up for that dive. He hadn't even tried it for six months I guess. He was always too scared to do it in practice. Anyway, he made it to Nationals too, so that is great. Now we just have to find some cheap plane tickets!
Stockton ~ reverse tuck ~ there is a maximum degree of difficulty,
so Stockton had to lower some of his dives to meet that qualification.
Inward 1 1/2
Front 2 1/2
The dreaded back 2 1/2 ~ Stockton landed it!
Inward 2 1/2
Jorja got to go to a mini EFY today. It was held in Orem. Mike dropped her off, but she ended up hanging out with several boys. She loved that!
Evan, my favorite, and Jorja
 Isaac and Jorja
 Evan, Shafer, Jaren, Jorja, Dallin, Isaac
Jaren moved here from California at the start of the year. Jorja was so excited he was able to come. His family just bought a house in our neighborhood, although they won't be in our ward. They are staying in a rental house at the moment. I drove up to Orem to pick up Jorja. She tried to get some of the boys to ride home with us. They weren't allowed to. She found out later they went to In and Out. She was a bit sad. She says that sometimes she wishes she was a boy so she could hang out with them. She has more close friends that are boys than girls. Jorja would not enjoy being a boy. She is way too girly for that!

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