Thursday, March 15, 2018


I finally got my family to fill out the brackets for March Madness. We hadn't watched any games, so even though we were late it was still okay. I'm over a week late putting this in, so I can tell you all of our brackets are disastrous.
I picked with dice roll. The white die was the team closest to A in the alphabet.
The black die was the team closest to Z. A tie switched the dice and I rolled again.
 I made Mike redo this bracket.
 He still missed some. Look at Florida and Texas Tech!
 Stockton filled his out with dice roll and using exponents. Lowest roll won.
 Preston was with dice roll, and the only one to pick UMBC. He was so excited!
Jorja wanted to get highlights in her hair. We had Kelsee do it. I had no idea it would take three hours! Crazy how long it takes. At least I brought a book. I'm reading Inkheart for Preston's book club.
Jorja before
Jorja was shocked how blond she looked. She said she has never wanted to be blond. I told her it just looked like she had been out in the sun for the summer. I think the salon's lights made her hair look more blond than it was. I think she is going to like it.
Jorja and Kelsee
 Jorja after

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