Monday, April 2, 2018

Jordan River Temple

I am super behind on my blog again! AHHHHH!!! Hopefully I can remember everything that happened over the last twelve days. it goes. Today was the first day of our spring break. Stockton still had to get up early to go to his English class at SLCC. I woke up Stockton at 5:40 and then hurried out the door to meet Stephanie Waddoups. She invited me to go exercising with her. That made me happy.

We had tickets to go to the Jordan River Temple open house. Mike even invited Becky, his friend from work. Our tickets were for 12:00. The kids and I drove down and picked up Mike and Becky and headed to the temple. The line was SO LONG! We waited over an hour before we got to the tent that was still outside the temple. Jorja was so hungry. She hadn't eaten and knew we were going to eat afterwords. We just didn't expect it to take that long. Still, I'm glad we were able to go. This temple was dedicated a month before I turned 8 years old. I remember being so sad that I wasn't old enough to go to the dedication. It was also built at the time when the church asked the members to fund the buildings, so I remember different fundraisers to earn money for the temple. Plus, it was during the same time that our stake center was being built. I used to go to this temple once a week to do baptisms my senior year of high school. It is also the temple where I took my endowments out. It was cool to go through it with my family and Becky.
Jorja, Mike, Stockton, Preston, Stephanie
We went to Pizza Pie Cafe after the temple. The place was pretty gross. The plates were even dirty. Not going back to that one again.

Jorja and Hailey hung out today. I love Hailey. Although sometimes they are weird together. Exhibit A:
Jorja. I don't know why. She even climbed up the stairs like this.
 I do love my Porge. Even when I don't understand her.

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