Thursday, April 19, 2018

Music Man

AHHHH!!! Campaigning starts today! I snapped a picture of cute Jorja with her posters before school. This is going to be a stressful couple of weeks. (Notice Jorja's earrings in the picture below. Aren't they the cutest? She had a mini deck of playing cards and glued the Jack of hearts onto clip on earrings.)
 She's off!
I took Maysen up to Provo for her EFY interview. She looked adorable, and was very pleased with how her interview went. She knew she was going to have to give a two minute lesson on something from the Strength of Youth pamphlet. She was hoping she would get the Sabbath Day. Low and behold, that is what she was asked to do. The interview went practically perfect. She has to wait about two to four weeks before she hears back. I hope she gets this! She would be awesome and it would be awesome for her too.

We took Maysen to see Music Man tonight. It was weird that Mike scheduled two of the plays on the same week, but look at that timing. How were we to know that Maysen would be here? We have now been able to take each of our kids to one of plays in the new Hale Center Theater. It has been fun.
Maysen and Stephanie
 Mike and Maysen
There is a certain boy that has been making Jorja very sad. She was crying when she came home from school. I'm so frustrated. Why can't he be nice to her this week? During campaigning? I won't go into details, but I was mad. I have tried really hard to like this kid, but I just don't. Especially after watching the way he messes with Jorja. I was ticked off and leaving to fill Stockton's jeep with gas. Gavin got caught in the crossfires and I gave him a talking to for how he has treated Madison. Anyway, this boy called Jorja tonight. She was on the phone when we got home from the play. I kept checking in on her. She begged me to let her finish talking with him. She said she needed closure. I hope so. I hope she can close the book on this character. They talked for a long time. One time I heard Jorja ask, "Do you think we'll be friends through high school?" There was a L-O-N-G awkward pause and then he said something like, "I don't know, but I know I'll always be friends with Evan." What a weirdo. How hard is it to be friends with someone, even if you don't always see them it is easy to be nice. I hope that long pause gave her the answer, even if it is not the answer she wanted to get. I talked with Jorja after she got off of the phone. She said she learned that he wasn't someone who would support her. He didn't have any compassion. Just judged her. I think she is ready to let him go. I hope so. He is not good for her at all.

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