Monday, April 16, 2018

Tuck Everlasting

The wind was crazy today. This was our neighbor's house.
Mike, Preston and I went and saw the musical Tuck Everlasting at Hale Center Theater. It was really good. Preston even liked it. I'm so glad! I remember this was Mrs. McLendon's favorite book. This is the only picture I got of the night, so that's disappointing.
Mike and Preston
Mike and I decided that we would let Jorja go to Girls Pref. We had several reasons, but it all boils down to it felt like the right thing to do. We feel really good about letting her go. It will help lessen her anxiety about elections and the heartache a certain unnamed boy is causing her right now. I went downstairs and talked to her before school. She was pretty excited. Mackenzie, the Student Body President, had asked Jorja if she would like to be in their group. I told Jorja that we felt good about her asking someone from student government. She wanted to ask Carter. She texted her friend Madison about it. Madison told her that a girl named Elle was planning on asking him. Jorja knows Carter has a crush on this girl, so she didn't want to ask him. She ended up deciding to ask a senior named Mackie. I told Jorja she needed to ask someone that met the following qualifications: she would be safe, she would have fun, she isn't going to develop a crush on this person. She insisted Mackie met all of these qualifications. Plus, he is really good friends with Mackenzie, so that will be nice. While Mike and I were at the theater, Mackenzie picked her and Stockton up and they went with a group asking people to the dance. She asked using Macaroni and Cheese. Jorja didn't take any pictures though.

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