Monday, April 30, 2018

Utah State

Preston had his art/engineering show at the elementary school today. Mike came home from work in time to go to it. We ate at a ribs food truck thing, that was pretty good.
Preston and Mike
 Preston's mini golf hole
 Preston and his turtle
Maysen had a final for her Health Psychology class today. Mike ordered her a pen drawing tablet. It came today. I thought the box was really pretty.
Stockton FINALLY decided on a college. He picked Utah State. He was offered the presidential scholarship there. That will cover four years of full tuition and fees. It is the same scholarship Maysen has. His friend Acea has really liked Utah State. Acea was Alta's math sterling scholar the year before Stockton, so his opinion means a lot. Anyway, here is Stockton ready to push the 'accept scholarship' button. Too bad we missed the deadline for the alumni scholarship for both Maysen and Stockton. In our defense, they have an insanely early deadline.
Jorja didn't feel too well today. A lot of people at school congratulated her for winning president. She would just mumble thanks. I think the stress of campaigning caught up with her. Jorja's permanent retainer broke today. Boo. She also applied to Chick-Fil-A today. She found out you can work there starting at 15 1/2. This video was taken minutes after she submitted her application.
Stockton and Jorja have started hanging out with us in bed every once in awhile. I love it, even though it is super crowded. It is the only time I have wished for a king bed.

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