Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's and Mike's Day

We have 9:00 church this year, so this morning was spent getting ready and then being at church. Mike taught my gospel essentials lesson for me, even though it is his birthday too. The only other people in the class were Maysen, Stockton and Jorja. We basically had a family home evening lesson without Preston. Mike taught about the organization of the Priesthood. We also were able to bring two more missionary plaques. Although both of the mom's were gone. I think getting calls from their missionary sons. Suzanne Heaton had all three of her missionaries call her at the same time. That was pretty cool. I texted Suzanne a picture of Dylan's plaque. Jorja with the photobomb.
 Preston brought me home a Mother's Day flower made up of two Hershey kisses
 Mike went crazy on the presents
 Each of the kids gave me socks. Maysen gave me the Kanagawa Wave
 Preston gave me The Scream
 Stockton gave me George Washington
 Jorja gave me Starry Night
 Mike gave me Minnie Mouse socks mocking me for being late.
That is funny because he knows I absolutely hate being late for anything!
Mike also gave me a "new" laptop. My old laptop crashed about a month ago. Mike was due to get a new laptop at work. He got a new one and bought his old one to give to me. He likes his old one better, so he was sad to see it go. It will be nice to have a computer again!
 The weirdest gift Mike gave me was a mermaid tail. What? Why?
I told Stockton that for Mother's Day I wanted to get graduation pictures of him. We took pictures of him with his different ropes and tassels.
Stockton ~ SLCC
 I made Stockton take more pictures after I realized his tassel was on the wrong side because he has already graduated.
 He put a shirt on over his pjs.
 Stockton ~ SLCC graduate
We switched the SLCC tassel for an Alta tassel and got all of Stockton's ropes. The big yellow one is for the National Honors Society. Red = High Honor, Purple = English, Black & Silver = Math, Mint Green = Technology, Dark Green = science. Stockton was a bit annoyed that there wasn't a rope for sterling scholar and that there is one for Step to the U. Step to the U is the principal's pet project. The kids can get college credit by going two summers. Even if they drop out they still get their rope. There isn't a rope for Stockton getting his associates degree. He wants to wear his gold honor SLCC cord to signify that. I'm sure with all the other colors he is wearing no one will stop him. Poor Maysen only got one rope. A yellow & silver one. I'm not sure what it was for, either high honor or NHS. She went to JTC for the vet program the beginning of each day her senior year and missed all the announcements about honor cords. With her being the first child I had no idea. She would have had a lot too. NHS, High Honor, English, Social Studies, Jordan Technical Center . . . oh well. Live and learn.
Stockton ~ Alta High School

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