Friday, May 4, 2018

SLCC Graduation

Stockton graduated SLCC this morning with his associates degree. Yep, just over one month before he graduates from high school he has a college degree. How awesome is that? He has worked super hard for this. I'm so proud of him! Mike, Maysen and I went to watch him graduate. The ceremony was in the Maverick Center. We followed the street signs instead of Mike's phone. Big mistake. It took us the wrong way. We saw someone pushing his car on the side of the road. No one was inside the car so he would have to run to the front then run to the back. Mike found a stopping place and jumped out to help him. Two other people came out to help as well. As we drove away once Mike got back to us we saw the guy buffing his car where the three men had touched it. That made us laugh. Our next stop was the Maverick Center. Traffic was awful. Stockton and I ended up jumping out so we could find the tent he needed to sign into. Mike and Maysen parked and then saved me a seat. Once Stockton was all situated, I left him to find the others. The gold cord Stockton is wearing is a high honor cord for having a 4.0. I think you only need a 3.75 though.
 I told him to put his tassel on the wrong side. Whoops.
 I liked this girl's cap.
 Our neighbor was getting a 'Teaching in Excellence' award. That was cool!
We were lucky and Stockton was sent on the path to walk in right in front of us. We screamed his name as he passed.
The keynote speaker was great. He is an NFL player on the Patriots, but I can't remember his name. He talked about being the coffee. Carrots turn soft when put in hot water. Eggs turn hard in hot water. Coffee beans change the water. I laughed so hard when he said he was going to tell a dumb joke. He said, "What do you call a gummy bear, I mean a bear with no teeth?" Hahaha! It was so funny. Especially since he said it was going to be dumb, then he blew the punch line. He did great for a first time speaker!
 Kristen getting honored
 Stockton receiving his 'diploma'
Really it is just a diploma case. He will get his real diploma mailed to him after he finishes high school.
Stockton ~ college graduate
 Stockton & Maysen
 Stephanie, Stockton and Mike
After graduation, we went to Freddy's for hamburgers and milkshakes. Mike does not like the fries there. He calls them 'frustrating fries' because they are so thin. Next stop was straight to school. I went in with Stockton to work with the attendance people so he could have an excused absence. They make it really hard now. It took awhile, but once they found the SLCC website and found Stockton's name and another page with a date of the graduation ceremony, he was good. I do like to walk by his sterling scholar picture whenever I go into school. That and Jorja's student government picture.
 Stockton's friend, Weston, posted this on his instagram.
The picture is of a different school at the state academic decathlon competition.
I sent my brothers' pictures of Stockton graduating, which led to some hilarious comments. Here is a sample:

Mike (M): And why is Stockton graduating from college before high school?? Doot!
Steph: He earned his associates degree. Pretty awesome.
Mike: That's sweet! Wish I knew how to do that when I was a kid...I got my associates when I was like 30. (side note by Stephanie....not true!)
John: Me too. I took like 7 P.E. classes my senior year. My counselor let me transfer out of my math class so I could get into Advanced Volleyball.
Mike: I got booted from my calculus class into photography and ceramics because I wasn't going to take the AP test and would be a 'distraction'.
Bubs: The math class sounded better at the end of your junior year huh? I wish they had all those college class options available to us when we went to school.
Mike: Yes. It was the greatest class switch I've ever made....Ange was in that math class and John Leatherwood. Nate Horton, my current business partner got booted with me into the same classes.
Bubs: Ange said you mostly drew pictures of me wearing purple Jazz shirts.
Mike: Makes sense...I did draw on the pictures on the board in class quite often. My favorite picture to draw was 'Patty Duke' which was supposed to resemble Pat Chipman. I also built a hot wheels race track out of book covers...that was sweet.
Bubs: Sounds like the teacher was just annoyed. My AP kids that aren't taking the test still stay in the class.
Mike: Not sure why my teacher thought I would be a distraction... She also moved my desk to the hallway and left the door open so I could hear the lecture... that was weird.
Bubs: I got in trouble occasionally. Once when I was talking to Danny Delahunty and the teacher accused me of spitting on him. Another time when a teacher accused me of tripping people coming into the room. Another when I got accused of throwing a rubber stopper through the smoke that was a result of making cyanide
Mike: So were you accused falsely then??
Bubs: First 2 yes. Second one no.
John: My teacher's all loved me.
Bubs: Also got falsely accused by Mr. Hammill for messing with the sprinklers at Alta View. Had to write that I wouldn't play with the sprinklers like 100 times.
John: You were a rebel student, Mike. I never got in trouble. Except for the time when my teacher got mad at me for not making eye contact with him during his lecture.
Mike: Did you gash your knee open on the sprinkler and he didn't like that? -----Yeah right you never got in trouble... I remember when Mrs. Barnes in 3rd grade got mad at me and said, "you're just like your brother" referring to Brett. I went home and told Mom and Brett had a talking to...haha. -----Except when we had the same English teacher at UVSC and I would meet with her about my papers and they turned into discussions how you wouldn't turn in your papers because you 'didn't like the topic' to write on.
John: Ah yes, freshman English. She still loved me though.
Bubs: I have no idea. I was no where near the scene. I think you have Mr. Hammill and Mark Pehrson confused.
Mike: I just know you gashed your knee open on sprinklers frequently.
Bubs: I always wondered how major leaguers could slide so far until I realized that they probably weren't driving their left knee into the ground. Game changer.
Mike: I got accused for cheating in 5th grade by Mrs. King... that was pretty much the only false accusation. My progress report said 'caught cheating' on it. Dad signed it and aid 'what?!?' And I just told him that never happened... and that was the end of my cheating scandal.
Bubs: I got in trouble at BYU for throwing tight whities in the tree. Once again, false accusation. -----Yes, sprinklers were my nemesis. -----I also got falsely accused of throwing frisbees in the dorm hallways at BYU. -----Got in trouble for boxing too, but that was legit. In fairness, I didn't know it was against the rules.
Mike: I pulled the fire alarm in 6th grade and we blamed it on Matt Burnham. They eventually came around to the real culprit. Not sure Dad or Mom ever heard about that one.
Bubs: Really? I always heard that ink sprayed on your hand if you did that. matt was an easy target to blame things on though.
Mike: False. No ink sprayed... the lever stays down though so that was kind of shocking.
Bubs: But not a big enough deal for Mom and Dad to find out about it.
Mike: Seriously though...if my son pulled the fire alarm I'd be concerned... then if I was told he pulled the fire alarm while the fire alarm was going off... I would no longer be concerned.

Anyway, the thread made me laugh and it was good to have something to smile about tonight. I was so excited to go to the Jazz game with Mike. We got there as soon as the doors opened, and secured a front row seat in the suite.
 Stephanie and Mike
 Free shirts for everyone at the game.
 The refs warming up before the game.
Too bad the game was a blowout. We were on the wrong side of this blowout. At the end of the 3rd quarter this amazing dessert cart came around. I ate my sorrows away. The cart did remind me of Harry Potter though.
 We were allowed to have whatever we wanted. Talk about too many choices!
 Mike also got a giant scoop of cookie dough.
Well, this was certainly not the best playoff game to go to, I still had fun though. I have been to two playoff games and the Jazz have lost them both. One day I will get to see the Jazz win one! Bucket list item for sure!

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