Saturday, June 30, 2018

Camping and Newsies

Mike and Preston seemed to have a great time at their 'camp'. Mike said he wanted to be like Clint's Dad when he grew up.
Preston & Mike
 Clint's dad shooting bowling balls out of a cannon.
 Mike, Preston, Clint
 Preston and Brother Smith
 Preston with his can.
These kids went straight from one activity to another. Shooting, hiking, fishing. They wore themselves out, but had a great time.
 Griffin, Drew, Matthew, Preston
 Matthew, Drew, Griffin, Aiden
Preston, Ethan, Henderson boy, Jackson
 Preston and Mike
I sent this picture to Mike and Preston. This is the Subway by our house. Preston is obsessed with Subway for some weird reason. He is so much like Mike it's crazy. Preston texted back, "NOOOOO!"
Mike and I had tickets to see Newsies today. When we realized Mike wouldn't get back in time, I asked my dad. Maysen came with us too. I have never seen it before. I really liked it. My dad liked it. Maysen wasn't a fan. On our way out we saw Jack and Renee Murphy. They were in our ward as I was growing up. Renee was Tzeitel when my dad directed Fiddler on the Roof. Dad talked to Jack and I talked to Renee for a long time. Until the place closed down. Maysen was very patient.
Stephanie, Maysen, Dad
A lady that my dad taught in seminary offered to take our picture.

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