Saturday, June 16, 2018

Lagoon in June

Jorja had a voice lesson with Addie Wray this morning. Addie is one of Stockton's friends. She was the sterling scholar winner for voice, she even won state. She is awesome. Jorja is really good friends with her younger brother Carter. I asked Addie if she could give Jorja voice lessons. Jorja loves to sing, but has never been in a choir or had any time of lesson. She thinks she's horrible. She's wrong. Anyway, I thought Addie could give her confidence and she is a great person for Jorja to look up to. Jorja was not looking forward to this. At all. She was terrified. She is worried Carter will hear her. She is worried that Addie will think less of her after she hears her sing. She is worried about all sorts of crazy things. I think she just needs to get one lesson under her belt, then she will love it. Jorja admitted it wasn't as scary as she was anticipating. That's great! My only regret is I wish I had asked Addie earlier!

Lagoon in June was what my mom always called our family reunion. Sure wish she could be here. We drove up in the motorhome and parked in their oversized parking lot. That turned out to be a great idea. Mike is on call and he didn't want to worry about his computer. He was able to go back to the motorhome and work when he needed to. He also napped. So did all my other kids. Overstock Lagoon day has spoiled them. In their defense, it was extremely crowded today! I made them stay to the bitter end though. My brothers and I would have never even thought of leaving Lagoon early. Weird that my kids want to. I had a fun day though. Matt and his family were here. My dad and Max. Lots of the Fullers. The Steve Parrys, Roes, Hopkins and Couches. We had more people than last year. Wish everyone would have been able to come.
Preston attempting to take a panoramic of the gigantic Wicked line.
We are not sure what he did to destroy Maysen's face.
Stockton's side burns look crazy weird from below.
Also, that is Jorja's face.
 Anne & Jorja
 The kids always like to make vlogs. I don't know why. They don't have a vlog, yet they do this all the time.
 Jeff, Anne & Greg
We had one scary moment where we lost Preston. He was riding Tidal Wave with Jorja. The rest of us were at the boats with Matt's kids. They came and found us and said they wanted to go to Cannibal. It was a few minutes before we were ready to go. By that time we couldn't find Preston. We were hoping and hoping that he would have walked to Cannibal. Luckily that is where we found him. I was so scared. I don't like not knowing where my kids are. It's weird because earlier in the day I let Preston and Max run around by themselves, that didn't bother me at all. This time I was worried.

Stockton and Jorja went on the Rocket with me before we left. That is my favorite ride. The Re-Entry one. We left the park as it was closing. The proper way to do it. I'm pretty sure the kids loved having the motorhome to ride home in. They were all zonked by the time we got home. Early church tomorrow is going to be fun.

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