Friday, June 22, 2018

USU Lagoon Day

Maysen was excited to go to Utah State's Lagoon day this year. Stockton and I didn't get season passes, but we have bounce back passes that expire in a few days. We didn't get to Lagoon as early as I hoped. Stockton wanted to dive at the Pepperwood pool to work on some of his dives for Regionals tomorrow. It worked out though because Hailey wasn't able to go earlier. Jorja ended up bringing Hailey and Dessa. They ditched us as soon as possible. They had a great time though. Although I found this picture on Jorja's phone. I don't know where she posted it. I scratched out her phone number. Grrrrr.
Hailey, Dessa and Jorja
They did find three boys. On the sky ride. The boys asked if they could share rides because there was three of them, then one of them wouldn't have to go alone. Smooth. Stockton spotted Jorja and the boys first. He sent me this picture with the caption 'Jorja with some DUDES.' Stockton and Preston had gone to Colossus while Maysen and I went on Spider. Once we met up with Stockton we ended up seeing Jorja. Still with the same dudes. I ran up to her. She was so embarrassed. I talked for a little while, it wasn't more than a few minutes when the boys awkwardly each gave the three girls a hug and left. Jorja wasn't too happy with me because the cute one liked her. Do I feel bad about chasing them away? Nope. Not even for a second.
Hailey, Dessa, Jorja, Dude
There was a couple sitting behind the girls on the sky ride. He proposed to her on the ride. Or just off the ride. I'm not sure. Kind of cool that the girls were able to watch that happen.
Stockton and I went on the Rocket. Blast Off this time. Maysen and Preston were riding the Tilt-a-Whirl rides. We met up after and saw the Marry Me balloons. The couple is looking at pictures a photographer took of them after they got off the ride.
The fun waterslide while you are wearing clothes ride is gone. Stockton wanted to go on it. This is what we found. Sad.
The kids wanted to ride the Log Flume. Usually there is a ridiculously long line. There was no one. I went with them the first time, then videoed them the second time. I tried to take a still picture too, but that turned out blurry.
We decided we wanted to finish up on Terroride. Maysen and Stockton hadn't been on it since it was redone. There was a long line, but since it was our last ride we decided to stick it out. We were almost on when the ride kept breaking. After about fifteen minutes two cars were able to go and it broke again. We waited and waited. Finally we were able to get on. Not worth the wait, but glad we were able to make it. It would have been more frustrating to wait that long and be turned away.
Stockton, Maysen, Preston
 Fountain. Preston loves that it lights up right before it sprays, so you know when the water is coming.
We dropped Hailey off on the way home. Dessa came back with us. She wanted to see the ducks. Jorja was so happy to show them off.
Jorja's hand and random duck

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