Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Stockton sent me this video from dive camp. It is his first time attempting a reverse 2 1/2 tuck. 305C. I'm so proud of him!
Stockton 305C
Jorja's day
Random pictures of Jorja at EFY
 Pizza night!
Their group chant
I find it funny how much teenagers love these EFY line dances. Dancing about hamburgers? Sandwiches? Jorja loves them. Here is a video someone took. It is kind of bouncy and mostly got the pause in the dance, but you can get a sense of it.
Meanwhile, back in home land, Sherry came over today. She helped me organize. I hate organizing. I am not good at it. I found I was so overwhelmed I did not even know where to start. I miss all our storage areas in Georgia. Anyway, Sherry got our entire living room clean, cabinets and everything. She got the downstairs organized and the shelves in the kitchen. It is amazing! She was here for over six hours. Mike was teasing her asking if she had their mom's thyroid condition. He said once his mom started having thyroid problems she would go 100 miles an hour and it was really funny watching her prune trees. Don't worry, I was helping Sherry the entire time. It was just nice to have her give me small tasks. I can do that! Anyway, I am floored with Sherry's kindness and so very happy!
Living room
 Downstairs room

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