Monday, July 9, 2018


Both Stockton and Jorja started week-long camps today. Stockton started dive camp at the U. This is the first time going to dive camp there. He went for three years at BYU, but now the pool is being rebuilt so there is no dive camp. Ted started a dive camp at the U last year, but we never heard about it. Camps at the U are a ton more expensive than BYU. It was cheaper at BYU even with sleeping over. Stockton LOVED this camp. Just the diving part. He did not like anything else, so I'm glad we didn't have him stay in the dorms. He said that BYUs camp was fun, but he enjoyed the non diving parts more than the diving. BYUs camp was basically a chuck fest. This camp he loved the diving parts and learned a ton. He said his changed his hurdle during the week. That is a big deal to change something like that. Stockton loves Ted and just thrived in the pool this week. Outside of the pool he hated everything about it. All the camp counselors were swimmers and he felt that they looked down on the divers. The lectures they had to listen to were tailored to the swimmers. He just didn't have a good experience. Luckily his time in the pool was awesome enough to make him feel he was glad to attend this camp. Ted sent the dive schedule and I loved randomly looking up what Stockton was doing.
Jorja also left for EFY today. She is rooming with Miah and I am so excited for her! We met Sherry and Miah at Village Baker. We had lunch and then headed up to Provo. We arrived at the perfect time as there was no lines to wait in. We helped the girls get to their room and get their beds set up. They are going to have such a fun week. I'm glad she will have this experience with Miah!
Stephanie and Jorja 
 Miah and Jorja
 Jorja's bed
 Before we left I took the opportunity to snap a picture of her daily schedule.
 Jorja wanted to change her pants. Look how cute Miah's bed is.
Jorja and Miah's room was the meeting place for their dorm. When the counselor and all the other girls started filing in Sherry told me it was time to leave. Haha. I'm so excited for them. When Mike came home from work I realized I left my water bottle at Village Baker. Luckily they still had it. I use my water bottle constantly and I love it. I wonder why I didn't notice it earlier. Anyway, Mike and Stockton came with me. We stopped at Home Depot for Mike and then drove to Lehi for my water bottle. Stockton told us all about dive camp on the way up. It was awesome. I love it when he tells us about his day. He is so funny and such a good story teller. After our successful water bottle pick up we ate at Blaze Pizza. Yummy.
I thought it was cool that Home Depot has a special parking spot for veterans wounded in combat.
Here are some pictures from Jorja's first day. She became pretty close with the girls during the week, but said the boys in her company were kind of awkward and quiet. It made her miss last years EFY a lot. She had a lot of fun with Miah and the girls though, so that is good.
Miah, Jorja, and others
 Jorja is in the middle back, Miah is behind her.
 Jorja's company
 Miah and Jorja ~ they look so happy!

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