Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Chinese Ordering

Jorja didn't have to get up because there was no drivers ed today. Although, she did have to get up early because it is the 24th of July and we are assigned to do flags. She was tired. I was proud of our flags, none of them fell down. Most of the flags fell down on our street the last time they were up. We took down our street and then we took down the flags for the Liu's. They were going on vacation and couldn't get anyone to switch. It took a long time to take them all down! 

Brandon left to the Mexico MTC today. Weird! Crazy that he is old enough to be on a mission!

Mike had work today, so our day was pretty normal. Mike did get his taco train working, so he was happy about that!
 Maysen & Preston
Jorja had work today. She was taking orders when someone came up who didn't speak English very well. He got frustrated and started using Google translate. He turned the app around and Jorja saw Mandarin at the top. Jorja spoke to him in Chinese and said, "Do you speak Chinese?" His head jerked up and he answered her in Chinese. Jorja then took his entire order in Chinese. Apparently the entire staff by the drive thru window stopped and watched Jorja. How cool is that? I bet that guy loved it. No one said anything to Jorja after that happened, she just went on like it was a normal every day thing. Chick-Fil-A closed early today, so Jorja was able to help with that. (Because she isn't 16 she is not allowed to stay after 9:00.) Anyway, while they were cleaning up one of the girls said, "Wait, can we just take a moment and talk about how Jorja took someone's order entirely in CHINESE?"

Meanwhile, down in Texas, Stockton had his one meter competition today. He texted me during it and said, "Did an awesome 303c!" That's a reverse 1 1/2. How fun! He said he was happy with all of his dives, but the judges failed him on his twister. Everything was fine except his FEET over twisted so they gave him a zero. He said he doesn't understand how you can over rotate and get scored, but if you over twist a tiny bit they will fail you. Everyone on Stockton's team failed at least one dive today. Stockton was still happy though. If he had failed a non-twister dive I think that would be a different story.

Stockton's room setup looks nice. Nate texted me a picture. The kids are playing Tiki Topple. This is the room Stockton sleeps in. Nate and Gavin have an adjoining room. Perfect setup. The kids can play, but they are somewhat supervised, and Stockton isn't all alone.
Dani, Stockton, Gavin

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