Tuesday, July 17, 2018


I had such a fun day today with Stockton. We left home bright and early in order to get to Logan around 8:00. We found the parking, rode the shuttle, and walked to the sign in. There were people everywhere greeting us, so there was no possible chance we would get lost. They asked us to check in by our last name. We were getting our information when the person next to us checked in. They said their name was Kyler Tolman. Stockton looked over and said, "Kyler!?!" Stockton had his name tag on so Kyler knew it was Stockton. These guys are roommates next year and had never met each other! How cool is that? Kyler is from Idaho Falls and was the Senior Class President of Idaho Falls High School, that is the same high school my mom went to! Stockton felt so much better after meeting Kyler and learning about campus. This orientation was great. He loved it and I loved it. Stockton wasn't expecting to like orientation, so he was pleasantly surprised.
Stockton heading to Logan
The first thing we did was go to the Honors building. They had a little presentation for them. The entire time I was kicking myself. We didn't know about the honors college when Maysen went here. She would have loved it. Especially the part of the special Honors Connections class. He doesn't need to have any follow up Connections classes because he is in honors. Maysen hated those! His building is also super close to campus. Right next to the Institute building. This looks like it is going to be a great fit for Stockton.

Soon we were split up. Stockton headed to his orientation and Kyler's dad (Jason) and I hung out together for the parent portion. The day went by pretty fast. We met up with the boys for lunch and then they separated for their different colleges again. Stockton is registered for Computer Engineering, but is thinking of changing to Computer Science. Kyler is a biology major. He is planning on being a doctor. Stockton and I met up at the end of the day. We took a tour of his apartment building. It is steps away from the main part of campus. He will have seven roommates. Here is an example of what his room will be like.
 I don't know why there is a plug high in the closet, but there is one in all of them.
 Sinks that are in the hallway. Two sinks on each side, so four boys will share these.
 Bathroom, 4 boys share each bathroom
 I laughed at the toilet handle
 Living room
 Mini kitchen
This looks like an awesome place to live for college! I hope he likes his other roommates. He is staying in Honors housing, so I think they will all have similar personalities. After the tour one of the student delegates took us on a tour of the pool area. We were so excited. We found out they have a diving club! He took us to see the diving pool. They have a one meter and a three meter. The boards don't look the best, they have the crank like Pepperwood, which is annoying. But still! A 3 meter! The girl at the help desk told us that the dive team is always laughing and having fun. Yay! Yay! Yay! I can't remember the student delegate's name, but he was talking to Stockton about how he chose an academic scholarship at Utah State over a athletic scholarship (track and field) at a different college and that it was the hardest decision he ever made, but the best decision. That was the perfect thing for Stockton to hear.

We also ran talked to a different student delegate that was at the math table. He was talking to Stockton about computer science verses computer engineering. The guy is a computer science/mathematics major. He was so nice and answered a lot of our questions. We just kept running into the right people and the perfect moments.

Stockton is more excited to go to college now. We both had the best feeling up on campus. Utah State is just beautiful. It is such a great school and town. I love it up there. I'm excited for Stockton to be up there with Maysen. I'm going to miss him so much. It will be weird only having two kids home. I think it will feel very empty without him. I'm excited for his new adventure! He is going to do great!

Meanwhile, back in Smith land. Maysen saved me by driving everywhere. She drove Jorja to Corner Canyon. Jorja is starting drivers ed there. She then picked Jorja up and took her to eat at Corner Bakery, then dropped her off at Chick-Fil-A. I'm not sure what we would have done without Maysen today! Thank you Maysen! I also failed to get a picture of Stockton and Kyler, even though it would have been super easy to do. Oh well.

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