Saturday, September 15, 2018


I came back from my exercise class this morning and everyone was still asleep. I went outside to look at the ducks. I let them out of their pen. Mike has been leaving the swimming pool open and we let the ducks just roam the yard and float in the pool. It was fun watching them fly to the pool. They did it twice, although they weren't much higher than my waist when they flew. I stayed outside and watched them for at least twenty minutes. They were waddling around by the slide when I went inside. Preston was up now and I said hi to him. I woke Mike up and talked to him. He was getting ready to go outside to work on the duck pond when the ducks started quacking like crazy. I had only been inside ten minutes top by this time. We hurried outside to see what was wrong. We have no idea what happened, but now there are only two ducks. Princess Peep is gone. Our best guess as to what happened is that a bird swept and got her from the sky. Mike said later on in the day there were birds of prey just circling. I felt so bad. This is only the second time I have let them out of their pen. The ducks looked so sad the rest of the day. We hoped beyond hope that she flew away and would come back. This is not a likely scenario. First, the ducks never flew high. Second, they hate being separated. Third, the ducks were super upset when Princess Peep was captured. I have named birds of prey Bowser. I don't like them. (I'm writing this five days later and we still have no sign of Princess Peep. I think she is gone for good.) Anyway, it was/is super sad.

BYU/Wisconsin played today in football. Wisconsin is ranked 6th in the nation. BYU won! It was such an amazing, fun game! My brothers and I have a group chat and we talk a lot during games. I didn't hear one peep out of them after halftime. It was so weird. So, I watched this most amazing game by myself. A few days later I was walking out of diving with Preston when my phone just went crazy. 107 messages from my brothers came in. They were talking the entire game and I just didn't receive them until days later. I felt sad. It would have been fun to share that game with them. I don't know why my phone didn't work. I wish anyone in my family would like my hobbies. I have to force people to watch games with me. It doesn't bother me too much because my brothers are there. I did not like missing experiencing this game with them.

Jorja went to the Corner Canyon 'Out of this World' dance with some of the other Alta girl officers. She had a great time. She said it was a bit weird because no one was dancing except them. She is going to Homecoming at Corner Canyon and this made her a little nervous. She loves dancing and being crazy. After the dance they went on the Alta football field and danced themselves. She seemed to love it. Jorja and Aysha talked for a long time in our driveway. Jorja came in and woke us up. Aysha's car wouldn't start, so Mike had to jump it.
Rachyl & Jorja
 Aysha, Abbey, ???, ???, Jorja, Maggie, ???
Rachyl, ???

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