Monday, September 24, 2018

Homecoming Pageant

This is going to be a crazy busy week. Mike and I had to coordinate our schedules to figure out how we were going to get all of it done. We really miss having Stockton drive Preston to diving right about now. I took Preston to diving and dropped him off. That made me incredibly nervous. I walked him to the pool. Ted was excited about Stockton's call to Arizona. His boy is in Reno Nevada right now. Before I left I asked Gavin to look out for Preston. If for some reason Mike didn't show up, I asked Gavin to take him home. I did not think that would happen, but what if something unforeseen happened? I didn't like the idea of Preston being stuck in Salt Lake City. Fortunately all was well and Mike was able to get him like planned. I went straight from diving to Alta for parent/teacher conference. Jorja arrived with Carter about the same time I did. She is all dressed up because she is an escort for the homecoming pageant.
I was able to see a few of Jorja's teachers. Her math, English and Chinese teachers. I like her Chinese teacher this year a lot. I am glad she will have her for the next three years instead of the teacher she had last year. I also talked to Mr. Thomas for a bit. He always asks about Maysen whenever he sees me. Mr. VanOrden (Jorja's math teacher and Stockton's advisory teacher for four years) was excited to hear about Stockton's mission call. He sure was a great teacher for Stockton. A few minutes before 7:00 I hurried over to the auditorium so I could watch the homecoming pageant. The lip sync's were a ton better last year when Mike and I were the judges. Jorja announced the spin the wheel question thingy. She did great.
Carter brought Jorja home after stopping at McDonalds. She was so hungry. It was a long day. Jorja was on the pageant committee this year, so I think she is feeling a sense of relief that it is over and it went well. She will be busy the rest of the week, but it is nice to have this off of her plate. It is also nice that late start is tomorrow.

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