Saturday, September 1, 2018

Rabbit of Seville

Welp. Stockton's hair is gone. Stockton is getting ready to turn in his mission papers and needed to submit a mission photo. I tried to find a picture that would work, I even teased Jorja asking if she could photoshop his sterling scholar picture. Mike said that would be lying on his mission papers and wasn't a good idea. Anyway, today was haircut day.
Stockton ~ before
Stockton watched the Rabbit of Seville while Mike attempted to shave him.
Mike & Stockton
 Stockton on his way to show Jorja his haircut.
 Stockton ~ after sideburn shave
Once his sideburns were off we went to Fantastic Sams to get an official missionary haircut. There wasn't a line, so that was great. In and out and nobody got hurt. Except for Stockton's hair.
Stockton and the haircutter
We picked up pizza, dropped Stockton's phone off to be repaired and then headed over to Gavin's house. Stockton hid behind the door while I knocked. Gavin was surprised, his sisters were more surprised. One of the girls jaw was open for a long time. It was funny.
Stockton ~ after
Maysen really wanted to go to the temple as a family. She wanted Stockton to baptize her. I forgot to tell this to Stockton and he left his recommend on his desk in Logan. Or so we thought. I told Stockton to bring home his laundry and I would do it for him. I found his recommend this morning in his church pants! Yay! We were able to do a family temple trip after all! We decided to take Stockton's mission picture while we were here. We were disappointed that he left his monkey tie up in Logan. He loves that tie. Stockton borrowed one of Mike's ties today. That worked out well because they didn't want any animals on ties for the picture. Dodged a bullet there!
Maysen, Jorja, Stockton (Stockton reminds me of Taylor in this picture.)
 Stockton ~ this is the picture he sent to the church office, just cropped a little more
 Stockton and Mike (notice the pale skin where Stockton's sideburns were)
Stockton baptized all of us, even me. That was cool. Stockton did great with all the crazy names. He also had some funny ones. A lot of girl names that were boy names, if that makes sense. Like Thomasia. It was funny. We went home to pick up Preston and change out of our church clothes. Mike did a quick check of the duck house with Preston.
Mike & Preston 
 Preston in the duck house.
Then we headed to Iceburg. . . where Jorja curled her hair.
Jorja also had to do a quick change into her Chick-Fil-A clothes, but we got her to work on time. Stockton's phone is no longer cracked. He came home and finished his mission papers. The last thing he did was hit the 'yes' button that said his mental/physical health information was accurate. Once he did that red words popped up that said "Recommendation has been submitted." That was kind of anticlimactic.
Stockton has an appointment with the bishop tomorrow morning and with the stake president at 5:00 tomorrow night. This mission thing is moving along. Stockton hung out with his dive friends the rest of the night. I'm glad he was able to see them. They have been good for him.

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